Printing Multiple Reports

The reports printing functionality has been enhanced to give the user the flexibility of printing a single report (form letter), or multiple reports (form letters) and attachments, the latter option producing a single PDF file with all the reports and attachments as pages of that file. The file types that are currently applicable are: BMP, PDF, IMG, JPG, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.

Printing multiple reports at once is controlled by the 'Multiple Reports Printing' checkbox in Project System Option (standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Project System Options – General tab).

When the [Print Report] button in any CMiC Field screen is clicked, the pop-up displays the Reports Print Multiple Reports link.

The [Print] button allows the conventional single report printing.

The Embed Attachments option can be used to print the attachments as well.

The Print Multiple Reports link in the top-left of the screen opens a selection pop-up where all the report types are listed, and it also has the Embed Attachments option to print the attachments:

Click on each link to expand the list for each report type and make a selection.

Click [Proceed]. The next pop-up window allows the user to change the order in which the reports are printed, and shows the selected reports and their attachments, if the Embed Attachments option was used. The icon is used to re-position a report or attachment to a desired location before printing. The order of printing is from top to bottom. This order can be saved by pressing the [Save] button, as shown below.

Press [Print] to bring up the Print Setup pop-up.


  • Preview: Select this option to view the finished report and either print it or save it to another location.

  • Email: Select this option to email the finished report to another user. Selecting this option will reveal several fields on this screen to this end (From, To, CC, Subject, Message, etc). Please refer to the article on Emailing Reports for more information.

  • Cold Storage, Cold Storage with Preview: Select either of these options to print the report to Cold Storage, with or without a preview.


Enter the name of the finished report here.

Page Numbering

Select whether to number the pages of the report and where that number appears.

Click the [Proceed] button to print the final, merged report.

Printing Posting Reports

Example of pop-up window launched from [Post] button on the Subcontract screen

Users can print posting reports for Subcontracts, Subcontract Change Orders, PCIs, and Owner Change Orders. The Posting Reports pop-up window is displayed after clicking the [Proceed] button in the pop-up window launched from clicking on the [Post] button. The Print Posting Reports pop-up is then displayed.