Emailing Reports

This article explains how to email reports directly to users in CMiC Field.

1. Press the [Print Report] button, found in the toolbar for many programs in Field. Then press the [Print] button in the Select Report pop-up.

2. In the Report Config pop-up, select "E-Mail" in the Destination field. Pressing this will automatically launch the Email Information pop-up, shown in step 3.

3. Use the Email Information pop-up to enter the content of the email and select its recipients. The From email address is set as the email of the currently logged in user. This address will receive all replies to the emailed report.

Spam Filter Settings

Report emails sent in this way may appear in spam folders due to email spoofing. To ensure that users receive report emails please follow the below steps.

  • Update the SPF record for the user's domain to include ip4: Before updating your SPF record, Make sure to prevalidate the domain before updating the SPF record.

  • Whitelist the IP address of CMiC's outgoing email server: This would need to be implemented by your network administrator. The last step reduces the chance of these emails going to spam for anyone. This step has no impact on other domains, but does ensure that when you email a report to people within your organization, it will be received.

If using Mimecast, referring to the following will help increase deliverabilty of these emails to external domains. Please contact Mimecast for any further assistance.

For further information on how to improve the email success rate, please see Improving Email Success Rate.