Console Icons

At the top of every screen in CMiC Field, there are icons that launch the Screen Editor and User Profile screens. There is also an icon available to sign out of the CMiC system.

Screen Editor Icon

Screenshot of Screen Editor launched from icon

The Screen Editor can be launched from the Screen Editor icon ( Image of Screen Editor icon) at the top of each screen in CMiC Field

This feature allows the user to set up header buttons, as well as field security and prompt maintenance, for programs in any screen without going to the Prompt Maintenance or Field Security screens. Please note that not all screens have fields available with field privileges or header buttons.

The prompts that appear in the Screen Editor are all the prompts for buttons, fields, and messages used by the program.

NOTE: Users require the security privilege 'Access to Screen Editor' to access this screen.

Header Buttons

Screenshot of Header Buttons pop-up

Example of pop-up window launched from Screen Editor Icon

This section allows users to update which buttons are visible on the screen, their label, and the text displayed on hover.

[Update] – Button

Press this button to update the header buttons in Screen Editor which have been edited.

NOTE: Any changes made to the header buttons will only be made to the present screen at the current user level.

Column/Field Security

Screenshot of Column/Field security pop-up

Example of pop-up window launched from Screen Editor Icon

This section allows users to set security for columns, buttons, and fields, as well as set prompts for fields. Only fields with programmed additional security levels will have optional values available for selection.

NOTE: Users require the security privilege 'Access to Role *ALL* in Screen Editor' in order to select the *ALL* role in this section.

[Initialize] – Button

Press this button to update all the prompts in Screen Editor whether they have been edited or not.

[Update] – Button

Press this button to update the prompts in Screen Editor which have been edited.

[Refresh] – Button

Press this button to refresh the list of column and field security prompts available to the selected role.

In both cases, the prompts are added and updated in Prompt Maintenance. They are added in the case where they have no existence for the program name in Prompt Maintenance records, and are updated in the case where they have existence for the program name in Prompt Maintenance records.

Prompt Maintenance Integration

Screenshot of Message Maintenance screen

Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > File Maintenance > Prompt Maintenance

To add or remove fields, select or clear the appropriate program from the field record in Prompt Maintenance.

User Profile Icon

Screenshot of User Profile launched from icon

The User Profile can be launched from the Profile icon (Image of user profile icon) at the top of each screen in CMiC Field

The user profile for the logged-in user can be accessed by pressing the User Profile icon (Image of user profile icon). This icon appears in the header for all screens in CMiC Field, as shown above. This icon launches the Contacts screen in a pop-up window.

Sign Out Icon

Screenshot of CMiC Field with sign out icon

Users can sign out using the Sign Out icon (Image of sign-out icon) at the top of each screen in CMiC Field

Pressing the Sign Out icon (Image of sign-out icon) will log the user out of the CMiC system.

NOTE: If the user is assigned to concurrent licensing, logging out this way will release a concurrent license spot.