Setup and Configuration
Creating Jobs and Projects
Both projects and jobs appear throughout most CMiC applications. The difference between the two is that projects are used to track project management information, whereas jobs are used to track costs on a granular level. For example, subcontracts pertain to a project, but the detailed cost lines of a subcontract are linked to a job, cost code, and cost category. A project can exist without a job and vice-versa. However, the default setting in the system is to have jobs automatically created when a project is created. Should a different process be needed, it is worthwhile to discuss the requirements with one of our consultants since there is quite a bit of flexibility due to the number of various business practices that we have accommodated over many years of building software for the largest construction companies of North America.
Open the Project Maintenance screen from the Job menu in Job Costing. This will open a screen listing all existing jobs:
To create a new job, first verify the company code and then, in Table Mode, press the [Add New] icon at the top of the screen:
If the system is not already set up to automatically generate a job code, enter one in the Project feld. Enter the Project Name:
Now move down to the General tab and select the Customer. At this point, clicking the [Save] button, will create the job using the system defaults. In order to verify or modify some of the defaults before creating the job, click on the Job Info tab:
In the Job Setup section of this tab, the defaults related to the billing of the job can be changed. Verify the Billing Method:
There are two valid choices in this field: Job Billing or Manual AR Invoice.
If the billing method is "Job Billing", verify and/or modify the next three fields; the Billing Type, Invoice Format, and the Mapping Code:
If the Billing Method field is set to "Manual AR Invoice", then the next three fields will not apply:
Save and return to the General tab. All other tabs on this screen refer to CMiC Field and are not required for accounting:
Until now, we have been mostly looking at the project. To review or update the corresponding job, select the [Job Detail] button on the General tab:
To update the department the job belongs to, move to the Accounts tab and update the Department field for each of the transaction types listed by selecting from the list of values:
If Accounts Payable taxes are to be applied according to the job instead of according to the vendor, then enter the applicable tax codes on the AP Taxes tab:
If the job is an in-house job, you may want to exclude it from the WIP screen and calculations. To do this, select the WIP tab and check the 'Exclude From WIP' box:
When the job was created, the system applied all the job security groups that the user belongs to. If this needs to be updated, open the Security tab and add or remove security groups as required:
If the job needs a compliance code that is not defined to be automatically applied, then open the Compliance tab and add the required code:
Once everything has been reviewed and/or modified, save the changes and then exit the screen:
Move along the train to assign cost codes and enter a budget.