Launch Process Builder

CMiC’s launch page

To launch the Process Builder tool, select Process Builder from the Choose A Tool section, choose the database environment under the Choose An Environment section, and click the [RUN DevTools] button, as shown in the above screenshot.

The Process Builder tool can be launched in two modes: add new, and edit, as explained by the following subsections.

Create New Process – Add New Mode

To launch the Process Builder tool to create a new process, when the Search Processes pop-up window is displayed, click [OK] to open the Process Builder in add new mode.

Edit or Copy Existing Process – Edit Mode

To launch the Process Builder tool to edit or copy an existing process, when the Search Processes pop-up window is displayed, search for, and select the process the user would like to edit or copy and click [OK] to open the Process Builder tool in edit mode.

The Custom? column, framed above, indicates if the process is user-defined (indicated by “Y”) or standard (indicated by “N”). Standard processes, which come with CMiC Enterprise, are not editable, but they can be copied in order to use the copy as a starting point to edit and create a user-defined version of it.