User Console Settings – Pop-up Window

Launching User Console Settings Pop-up Window

To launch the User Console Settings pop-up window, click the username along the top of the console (as shown in the above screenshot).

Defaults – Tab: Set User’s Default Console & Project, & Change Password

The Defaults tab, shown above, is used to set a user’s default console so that when logging into Enterprise, the screen to select the console to load is skipped. This is done by selecting a default console via the Default Console field and clicking the [Save] button. The drop-down menu in the Default Console field in this pop-up window follows the same security rules as the Default Console field on the General tab of the User Maintenance screen. For more details, refer to Setting a Default Console.

This tab is also used to set a user’s default project via the Default Project field and a user’s default screen color using the Theme field.

A user’s password can also be changed on this tab by click the Change Password link.

Your Consoles – Tab: Launch Other Consoles & Deleting Consoles

The Your Consoles tab lists the consoles available to the user. It is used to launch a different console or to delete a named console and all of its variants from the system.

Launch a Different Console

To launch a different console, select its corresponding ‘Replace Current’ or ‘New Window’ radio button and then its corresponding [Launch Now] button. The ‘Replace Current’ radio button launches the console using the current browser tab, and the ‘New Window’ radio button launches the console in a new browser tab.

Delete a Named Console & All Variants

For details about deleting a named console and all of its variants, please refer to the Deleting Consoles & Removing Customizations section.