
Create empty wallet for credentials

Note If you are not familiar with Oracle External Password Store, watch this video for more information:

The default location for wallets on Windows is D:\cm\ias\wallet. This folder should never be deleted.

Warning Check if the wallet was not created before in the folder <CMIC_HOME>/ias/wallet. Here <CMIC_HOME> = D:\cm or similar for the Windows OS. If a “wallet” folder exists and artifacts cwallet.sso, ewallet.p12 exist too, do not create the wallet again, continue with the next Update Wallet with Credentials from Old-Fashion DBDEFINE.SQL section.


set Wallet_Location=D:\cm\ias\wallet
mkdir %Wallet_Location%

Auto Login Flag

There are 2 flags that oracle wallet takes:

  • auto_login_local

  • auto_login

By default, we recommend using the -auto_login_local flag as it is more secure. However, it has some flaws and does not work all the time. If it does not work, fall back to the -auto_login flag. In this guide, we will use the -auto_login flag, just substitute it with the -auto_login_local flag if that version is needed.

Exceptions when -auto_login needs to be used:

  1. Personalized Accounts

    If you are using Personalized Accounts for each DBA: -auto_login needs to be used.

  2. Mixed Case Windows OS Username

    There is a Windows bug where if the username has upper and lower case letters, the password store does not work on Windows OS. If this issue is encountered, use the -auto_login flag.

    Use the whoami command to check usernames in mixed case.

Manual Method

If the wallet is going to be created from scratch:

  1. Create folder <CMIC_HOME>/ias/wallet.

  2. Open the cmd console as Administrator and run the following:

    Set Wallet_PWD=SecretPassword
    cd /d <CLIENT_ROOTDIR>/bin
    set JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdkXXX
    orapki wallet create -wallet <CMIC_HOME>/ias/wallet -auto_login

    Here CLIENT_ROOTDIR is the value from <CMIC_HOME>/ v12_install.txt (or install.txt) or simply the main Oracle client used.

    For example, if this is Windows OS and CLIENT_ROOTDIR=d:\oracle\18cclient, the commands are:

    cd /d d:\oracle\18cclient\bin
    set JAVA_HOME=D:\Java\jdk1.8.0_191
    orapki.bat wallet create -wallet D:\cm\ias\wallet -auto_login

    Enter and re-enter the provided value again for WALLET_PSWD.

Scripting/Batch Method

This is same method if you want to run this as batch:

set Wallet_PWD=SecretPassword
set Wallet_Location=D:\cm\ias\wallet
mkdir %Wallet_Location%
orapki.bat wallet create -wallet %Wallet_Location% -auto_login -pwd %WalletPWD%

Backup Environment

You are required to backup the D:\cm\v12\ENV\ prior to moving on to the next step.

SQLNET.ORA Wallet Conflict

There might already be an Oracle Wallet defined in the sqlnet.ora of the Oracle client. This might be the case when Oracle TCPS configuration was setup. Open file <ORACLE_CLIENT>\network\admin\sqlnet.ora to validate if there is any wallet defined. If there is no WALLET_LOCATION entry, its safe to proceed. If there is a WALLET_LOCATION already and it is pointing to Oracle TCPS configuration, the following explains the options on how to resolve this conflict:

  1. Have one wallet for all implementation.

  2. Remove the older implementations if this is not used.

  3. All other working implementation that is found is also possible.

For example, this can be removed:

    (SOURCE =
        (METHOD = FILE)
        (METHOD_DATA =
            (DIRECTORY = d:\oracle\wallet_tcps)

Note If there is a WALLET_LOCATION other than TCPS, please review what it is used for.

There is a way to setup multiple wallets on the APP Server but it's preferred not to do that. This would be done through individual TNSNAMES.ORA entries. If the environment requires this, please review following documentation, but take note that this is not common and not covered by this guide:

Update Wallet With Credentials From Old-Fashion DBDEFINE.SQL

WARNING Check if the wallet was already updated.

  1. Check content of dbdefine.sql in environment (folder <CMIC_HOME>\v12\<ENV>\jspsql). If all passwords are defined as ’’, DO NOT UPDATE wallet, it was updated already. Environment was also updated. Continue with section “Updating of WFTParser and jasperserver-tools utilites”.

  2. If dbdefine.sql is not updated yet, check content of file tnsnames.ora in <CLIENT_ROOTDIR>\network\admin folder. If there are lines starting with da.<ENV> (for example da.PROD for prod environment), CMIC_BI_RUNTIME.<ENV> and so on up to owf_mgr.<ENV> - DO NOT UPDATE wallet, it was updated already, continue with next section “Update environment”.

If the wallet is not updated for this <ENV>:

  1. Use the provided script Run the cmd console as Administrator and enter:

    cd /d <SCRIPT_PATH>

    The <SCRIPT_PATH> is the path to the folder where is placed.

  2. Run the command:

    perl <ENV> <CMIC_HOME> v12

    For example,

    perl prod D:\cm v12 d:\oracle\18cclient
    D:/cm/ias/wallet AbCd1234

    The value for <WALLET_PSWD> is the same that was used in the creation of the wallet.

Batch/Scripting Method

set Wallet_PWD=SecretPassword
set Wallet_Location=D:\cm\ias\wallet
perl prod D:\cm v12 d:\oracle\18cclient %Wallet_Location% %WalletPWD%

How it should look like:

To check if the wallet was updated correctly, try to perform tnsping and connect to a few users with sqlplus. As an example for the prod environment (users da, uig):

sqlplus /
sqlplus /

It has to be a successful connection like the regular one with username and password. Check if the user is correct. For example,

SQL> show user
USER is "DA"

Update Environment

This script will go through every single script inside the environment and parse the files for connection strings. If it finds it, it will replace them with the new format.

Use the provided script Run the cmd console as Administrator and enter:


The <SCRIPT_PATH> is the path to the folder where is placed.

If the connection strings and dbdefine.sql have to be updated for the environment <ENV>, run the command:

perl <ENV> <CMIC_HOME> v12

For example,

perl prod D:\cm v12

After execution, check that the dbdefine.sql file in the <CMIC_HOME>\v12\<ENV>\jspsql folder is updated. All passwords have to be defined as ′ ′.

Updating Jasperserver-tools Utilities

During this step, other tools are made to use the Oracle External Store Wallet. In the case, there are two tools in question: Jasper Import Tools (for loading Jasper Reports) or Jasper Export Tools.

  1. Update cmic-js-delete.cmd and cmic-js-import.cmd in

  2. Update js-import.bat and js-export.bat in


All Sample Modified Files are provided for demonstration purposes.

Below is an example for cmic-js-delete.cmd.

Note There is a dot at the end of EXP_CLASSPATH; the dot needs to be there.

Content Before:

@echo off


call d:\cm\ias\j2ee\env1\bin\setCmicInfraEnv.cmd

set ENV_JS_DIR=%CMiC_HOME%\%CMiC_VERSION%\%CMiC_ENV%\jasperserver

cd /d %ENV_JS_DIR%\buildomatic

call %CMiC_HOME%\ias\j2ee\%CMiC_ENV%\jasper\bin\set-js-cmic.cmd

set EXP_CLASSPATH=%CMiC_HOME%\%CMiC_VERSION%\%CMiC_ENV%\jsp\cmic-jasper-repository-tools.jar;%EXP_CLASSPATH%

set THE_TOOL_CLASS=ca.cmic.jasper.repo.commands.DeleteResources

d:\java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe -classpath "%EXP_CLASSPATH%" %JAVA_OPTS% %THE_TOOL_CLASS% %0 %*


Content After:

@echo off


call d:\cm\ias\j2ee\env1\bin\setCmicInfraEnv.cmd

set ENV_JS_DIR=%CMiC_HOME%\%CMiC_VERSION%\%CMiC_ENV%\jasperserver


cd /d %ENV_JS_DIR%\buildomatic

call %CMiC_HOME%\ias\j2ee\%CMiC_ENV%\jasper\bin\set-js-cmic.cmd


set EXP_CLASSPATH=%CMiC_HOME%\%CMiC_VERSION%\%CMiC_ENV%\jsp\cmic-jasper-repository-tools.jar;%EXP_CLASSPATH%

set EXP_CLASSPATH=%EXP_CLASSPATH%;d:\oracle\18cclient\jlib\oraclepki.jar;d:\oracle\18cclient\jlib\osdt_core.jar;d:\oracle\18cclient\jlib\osdt_cert.jar;.

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%\oracle\12cclient\network\admin -\cm\ias\wallet

set THE_TOOL_CLASS=ca.cmic.jasper.repo.commands.DeleteResources

d:\java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe -classpath "%EXP_CLASSPATH%" %JAVA_OPTS% %THE_TOOL_CLASS% %0 %*


Marked red lines are new added lines. The d:\oracle\18cclient is an example for the case of


If the value of CLIENT_ROOTDIR is different, change JAVA_OPTS and EXP_CLASSPATH correspondingly.

IMPORTANT Do the same update for cmic-js-import.cmd, js-import.bat, and js-export.bat as the above example is only for cmic-js-delete.cmd.

Removal of DBDEFINE.SQL from the Backup Folder

One of the steps was that the environment was backed up. In that backup copy, there is a backup of dbdefine.sql that needs to be removed. Delete that file in the backup folder.