Payroll – Tab

Screenshot of Payroll Tab

Pgm: SYSOPT – System Options; standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – Payroll tab


Default 1099 Code

The default 1099 code that is entered here will default in the 1099 field when a business partner and vendor are created by using the [Create BP/Vendor] button in the Employee Profile.

Default Vendor Class

The default vendor class that is entered here will default in the Class field when the business partner and vendor are created by using the [Create BP/Vendor] button in the Employee Profile.

Shift Selection

Payroll Control Defaults Allow Shift Selection

This is a series of shift related fields for payroll that matches a similar set of fields on the PY Control File screen in US Payroll (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Control – E-Timesheet tab). These system options values serve as defaults when setting up the Payroll Company Profile.

All Shifts – When checked, indicates that a special ‘All Shifts’ category can be selected on the Union Rate screen, which minimizes data entry if shifts are not required.

Day/Evening/Night checkboxes – If checked, means that the shift is selectable on the Union Rate screen and on Crew/Mechanic Time Entry screen.

NOTE: Crew time entry may cover multiple payroll companies, and thus will use the shift values from system options.
On the other hand, Mechanic time entry is tied to a specific employee and thus the system will use the shift values under the employee’s payroll company.

Preferred Rate (Check Employee Profile)

Preferred Rate: Check Employee Profile (Union/Trade) – Checkboxes

If the preferred rate for the union is checked, the system will try to find the normal preferred rate for the timesheet union. If it does not find the normal preferred rate for the union, it will then try to find a rate using the Employee Profile’s default union. The same applies to the trade.

Validate Trade Code Within Union – Checkbox

If checked, trade codes are validated for unions.


ASCII File Time Import: Determine Rate if Rate is Blank – Checkbox

When checked, the payroll timesheet import program will determine the rates according to the standard CMiC pay rate retrieval process; otherwise, the rates will be left blank. This pay rate retrieval is done during the actual creation of timesheets.

Oracle Time Import: Apply Employee Security – Checkbox

When checked, employee security will be enforced on the import, only importing records for employees to which the user has access.

Oracle Time Import: Mandatory Acct/Dept for G-Line – Checkbox

When checked, the user will be forced to supply the department and account for G lines in the import table. If the department and account are missing, the import will not go to the employee profile and default the department and account. The user will be forced to enter a department and account in the import file prior to the import being allowed.

Auto Upload Import Timesheet Path

This field is currently not being used.


Copy Employee Leave Setup Into The Next Year – Checkbox

Carry Forward utility will copy manually overridden employee leave information to the next year.

Post Leave Balances By Leave Taken Date – Checkbox

When checked, for an employee leave taken in a pay period that extends from one calendar year to the next calendar year, the timesheet posting records actual timesheet date against the leave details. This functionality then allows the leaves taken to be recorded and reported in the respective calendar years rather than the pay period.


Auto Calculate Seniority (Checkbox), Days to Retain Seniority

These two fields work together.  The Days to Retain Seniority field is only enabled if the ‘Auto Calculate Seniority’ checkbox is checked.  When checked, the system will automatically calculate the employee's Seniority Date based on the following rule related to the Days to Retain Seniority field value:

For example, if the checkbox is checked and the number of days to retain seniority is 30, then:

  • If NEW HIRE, then Seniority Date = original Hire Date

  • If REHIRE after less than or equal to 30 days of previous termination, then Seniority Date = last rehire (or original hire) date

  • If REHIRE after more than 30 days of previous termination, then Seniority Date = current Rehire Date


Apply Exempt Employee Hours Restriction

When checked, the system will apply exempt employee hour restriction. The default value is “ALL”. Users may select the other available options from the drop-down list.

Priority From, To

The starting priority code to be defaulted on the E-Timesheet Approval screen, and the ending priority code to be defaulted on the E-Timesheet Approval screen.

Activate Other Hours Eligibility by Employee – Checkbox

When checked, the ‘Other Hours Eligibility by Employee’ functionality is active. The E-Timesheet entry program restricts the other hours (Leave Hours) based on the employee’s eligibility.

These other hour types may be set by users in the Exclude Other Hours tab of the Employee Profile (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Employees > Employee Profile – Exclude Other Hours tab). These hours are hours other than leave hours set up in the Hour Type Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Hour Types).

Add Burden Cost Code and Category in JCJOBCAT – Checkbox

When checked, the system will allow adding phase and category in JCJOBCAT for those phase and categories which do not exist in JCJOBCAT setup and are set up in Overhead Rates and Job Burdon Allocation or changed via Transferred Labor Cost Entry.

Add Hourly Premium to Zero Amount/Not Found Rate – Checkbox

When checked, the hourly premium entered in Local Tables Rate Codes will be paid if there is a zero amount or no found rate for the employee. Unchecked, the hourly premium will not be paid.

Apply Company Security in Payroll – Checkbox

If this box is checked, the employee records will be secured not only by payroll security groups but also by company security. So, a user may have access to an employee according to the payroll security group of the user, but if this checkbox is checked and the user does not have access to the payroll company the employee belongs to, the user will not be able to view the employee.

Assign New Check/EFT Number by Bank/Branch/Account – Checkbox

If checked, the company will be ignored when selecting the next check number. Bank, Branch and Account will be the only criteria. Unchecked, the company will be included and the criteria for next check number will be Company, Bank, Branch and Account.

Check Processing And Printing By Check Location – Checkbox

The Check Locations Maintenance screen in Payroll is used to set up locations where the employee may work, as well as the associated bank information. If the “Check Location Processing” option is enabled, check locations must be set up. This field in System Options exists to turn on/off Check Location Processing. If an employee works for a company and moves from one location to another, the employee’s pay group can remain the same, but their bank information can be changed based on the check location where the employee has worked, and the employee can cash the check in the area they will be on their next pay.

The location can be based on Timesheet Log, Employee Profile, or Both Timesheet and Profile. Processing payroll and printing checks with a location code that is based on Timesheet Log will select employees with that location code in the Check Location Log. The Check Location Log has the location of where the employee will be on their next pay, i.e. their final location. Processing payroll and printing checks with a location code that is based on Employee Profile will select employees with that location code in the employee profile. In this case, the Check Location Log will be ignored. Processing payroll and printing checks with a location code that is based on “Both Timesheet and Profile” will select employees with that location code on their Employee Profile and in the Timesheet Log.

Greenshades Installed – Checkbox

This checkbox is enabled only if Greenshades licenses have been purchased. If checked, the Greenshades interface files will be generated for W2s instead of Winfiler. The user will get three options for the Output Type file in the W-2 form: Annual W2 Transactions File, Quarterly SUTA andW2 File, and New Hire File.

Payroll/HR Auto Numbering (Employee Numbers) – Checkbox

If checked, the system automatically assigns the employee number upon the creation of new employees. Automatic numbering is achieved by checking the employee profile for the highest employee number within the table and assigning the next sequential number to the new employee. Leave this box unchecked if users will manually assign employee numbers.

Prefix Company Code when Auto Numbering – Checkbox

This option is enabled if the ‘Payroll/HR Auto Numbering’ checkbox is checked. If this box is checked, the company code for the company the employee is under will be prefixed to the auto-generated employee number.

Schedule E-mailing Paystub – Checkbox

The default value is unchecked for existing users. If checked, the system will use the date in the Pay Date field on the Company Pay Period Maintenance screen to schedule emailing paystub and the time will default to 6:00 AM in the morning on the pay date specified on the period setup.

This option allows users to print paystubs on printer for regular mail and to schedule emailing paystubs (for employees who have elected for electronic pay stubs) based on period pay date.

SSN Unique By Employee Table – Checkbox

This checkbox is used to ensure only unique SSNs are entered in the Employee Profile screen in the Payroll module when new Employee Profile records are being created. If an existing SSN is entered, an error message will be issued. By default, this box is unchecked.

If checked, this option supersedes the SSN validation rule setting defined in the SSN Unique By field on the Rules tab of the Payroll Control screen (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Company > Control – Rules tab).

If unchecked, the system will follow the SSN validation rule setting defined in the SSN Unique By field on the Rules tab of the Payroll Control screen.

Generate Payroll Processing Performance Statistics – Checkbox

This checkbox is used to generate and collect data on payroll processing statistics and by default it is checked. It can be unchecked, if required, but we recommend keeping this feature enabled. When enabled, this process helps to check the root cause of slowness in the system and serves as a debug process. Information collected is stored in the Payroll Process Statistics table and includes the final time elapsed for each action, start and end time taken for processing payroll, total time taken by procedures/steps during payroll processing, and detailed traces for each step. There is no UI screen to check these results, which are used in the backend and enhanced to include the time/traffic between JSP and Vertex library.

A job called "Clean Payroll Processing Performance Statistics" is enabled in the Job Queues screen (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – General tab - [Job Queues]) to clean up this table on a daily basis, deleting all rows from the Payroll Process Statistics table. This job runs every day at 4:00 AM.
