Requisition Entry
Pgm: PORQENTC – Requisitions Entry; standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Requisitions > Enter Requisitions
The Requisitions Entry screen is used to enter a formal request for the acquisition of inventory, non-stock and free-form items.
When the user initially accesses this screen, the requisition number must be entered manually or if autonumbering has been set on the Requisition Control screen, it will be system-generated.
Users can control the use of specific categories in the Requisition Entry screen by flagging the categories as ‘Available in Procurement’ in the Maintain Cost Categories screen in the Job Costing module (standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Enter Category).
Requisition Header
Pgm: PORQENTC – Requisitions Entry; standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Requisitions > Enter Requisitions – General tab
This section is used to define the standard information pertaining to the requisition. It includes an [Approver] button and tabs for Reason and Text Code Details to provide the ability to examine and maintain aggregate information for the requisition being defined.
General – Tab
Requisition (Number)
If an autonumbering mask has been set on the Requisition Control file, this field will be disabled, and a requisition number will be automatically generated by the system when the requisition is saved.
Otherwise, enter a value to reference the requisition. The system will validate that the number has not been used by another requisition currently on file.
Date (Requisition Date)
Enter the actual date the requisition becomes effective. The system defaults the current date into this field, but it can be changed as required.
Required Date
Enter the date the items listed in the requisition are needed. The required date must be equal to or later than the requisition date.
If known, enter/select the warehouse from which to request the items entered on this requisition.
Leave this field blank if the items on this single requisition can come from more than a warehouse, or if unsure as to where the items being requested reside.
User ID (Requester)
The system displays the name of the user logged on to the operating system as the default for the requester.
Enter/select a valid user ID for the person responsible for transmitting the need for the materials to be associated with this requisition. The name of the requester displays in the adjacent field, if found.
Buyer ID
Enter/select a valid code for the suggested buyer to be responsible for the purchase of the items to be associated with this requisition. The name of the buyer displays in the adjacent field, if found. The buyer must have been set up previously within the User ID Cross-Reference screen (standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Setup > Local Tables > User ID Cross Reference).
[Approver] – Button
Pop-up window launched from [Approver] button on the Requisitions Entry screen
The Approvers pop-up window provides the ability to assign individuals authorized to accept or reject the details of the requisition or purchase order for the specified approval level.
If the requisition is entered without any approvers recorded, the system automatically defaults the assigned approver of the first approval level for the approval group with which the requester approval group member is associated.
If the requisition is entered with approvers recorded, the system automatically defaults the approvers based on the total dollar value of the requisition as well as the storage location of the items, if necessary.
NOTE: The [Approver] button is not enabled until the requisition is saved.
Reason – Tab
Pgm: PORQENTC – Requisitions Entry; standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Requisitions > Enter Requisitions – Reason tab
This tab is used to enter any reasons to be associated with the creation of this requisition.
Text Code Details – Tab
Pgm: PORQENTC – Requisitions Entry; standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Requisitions > Enter Requisitions – Text Code Details tab
This tab is used to assign a set of instructions or messages to the header information of requisitions.
Requisition Details – Section
Pgm: PORQENTC – Requisitions Entry; standard Treeview path: Requisitions > Requisitions > Enter Requisitions
This section is used to define the specific details and allocations such as material required, quantity and distribution. This section has a sliding screen containing additional columns to the right of the extended field.
NOTE: This section of the screen is not enabled until the requisition is saved.
Line numbers are generated once the user clicks Save.
Item Type
Select from the drop-down menu whether the item being requisitioned is an “Inventory”, “Free-Form” or “Non-Stock” item. The selection made here will determine which fields become enabled or disabled in the fields that follow.
NOTE: This field is disabled once the record is saved. Users must delete the line and enter a new line in order to modify the data.
Class Code (Item Class Code)
This field is enabled for inventory items and disabled for non-stock and free-form items. If an inventory item is being requisitioned on this line, enter/select the class of the item.
Item class codes are defined in the Inventory module (standard Treeview path: Inventory > Setup > Local Tables > Item Class).
NOTE: This field is disabled once the record is saved. Users must delete the line and enter a new line in order to modify the data.
Item Code
Enter/select the item code to represent the inventory item, non-stock item or free-form item being requisitioned.
Inventory items apply to merchandise ordered from a vendor or manufactured in-house which will be tracked within the Inventory module. For further information, please refer to the Inventory reference guide.
Non-stock items apply to merchandise ordered from a vendor or manufactured in-house which will not be tracked within the Inventory module.
An LOV is available to view and select valid inventory and non-stock item codes. If the class code is not specified, all item codes will show and the Class Code field will be filled with the code associated to the selected item. If the class code is specified, then the Item Code LOV is filtered and will show only those item codes which are associated with the specified class code.
NOTE: This field is disabled once the record is saved. Users must delete the line and enter a new line in order to modify the data.
Enter any comments for this line item.
The comments displayed here depend on the 'Populate Item Description To Line Comment' checkbox setting on the Purchase Order Defaults tab of the Purchase Order Control screen. If unchecked, the item description details for inventory and non-stock items will not default to the Comments field when entering requisitions and purchase orders. If checked, the item description details for inventory and non-stock items will automatically default to the Comments field.
Type (Inventory Item Type Code)
This field is enabled for inventory items but will be disabled for non-stock and free-form items. If entering an inventory item on this line, enter/select the item type code for the item code being requested. The item type is the classification assigned to item codes. This code is important because every transaction type, batch type, and G/L distribution defined will be associated with an item type code.
Item type codes are defined in the Inventory module (standard Treeview path: Inventory > Setup > Local Tables > Item Type).
WM (Weight/Measure)
The system displays the unit of measure code as the default for the specified item.
Enter/select a valid code to modify the default for the unit in which quantitative information regarding the specified item is measured (such as each, case/box, gallons, kilometers, etc.).
Enter the quantity for the specified item to be requested. The items can be retrieved if available in inventory/storage locations or a quotation and/or purchase order can be issued.
Item Price
For inventory items, item prices will default from last cost pricing in the Inventory module.
For non-stock items, item prices will default from the last price paid for this item entered on the Non-Stock Items Maintenance screen. This field is editable and can be updated here, as required.
For free-form items, enter the price per unit for this item.
Extended Amount
This column displays the totals of each detail line item in the Requisition Details section. It shows the product of the quantity and item price for the respective detail line item. It also displays the requisition total value at the bottom of the column, which is the sum of the extended amounts for all detail line items.
DT (Distribution Type)
Enter/select “G” if the charges for this requisition should distribute directly to a G/L account.
Enter/select “J” if the charges for this requisition should distribute to a job element.
Enter/select “E” if the charges for this requisition should distribute to an equipment element.
Enter/select "I" if the charges for this requisition should distribute to an inventory.
The other headings and fields in this section will change according to the distribution type entered.
When using a 'G' distribution
Enter the department and account code to be affected by this distribution.
When using a 'J' distribution
The department will default from the accounts as entered on the Job Maintenance screen.
The General Ledger account associated with this job is derived from either the job or the category code.
Enter the Job Code
Enter the job code to which to apply the cost against this disposition.
Enter the Cost Code
Enter the job’s cost code to which to apply the cost against this disposition.
Enter the Category Code
Enter the category code for which to apply the cost against this disposition. The categories must be set as ‘Available in Procurement’ in the Maintain Cost Categories screen in the Job Costing module (standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Enter Category).
When using an 'E' distribution
The department will default from the equipment's home location as entered on the Equipment Maintenance screen (standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Enter Equipment).
The General Ledger account associated with this equipment item is derived from the transaction code.
Enter the Equipment Code
Enter the equipment code to which to apply the cost against this disposition. Equipment items must have a commission date on or after the transaction date entered in the header section.
Enter the Category Code
Enter the equipment's category code to which to apply the cost against this disposition.
Enter the code “ALL” to designate no category if a category code will not be used.
Enter the Transaction Code
Enter the transaction code to which to apply the cost against this disposition.
When using an 'I' distribution
"I" distribution is only allowed for inventory items. Company, Job/Eqp/Dept, Cat/Tran fields will be disabled.
Enter/select a valid code for the job location to which the default value will be issued. This code is used to identify physical location for job sites, or employee work locations.
Text Codes 1, 2 and 3
Enter/select the text reference code(s) to supply an instruction and/or message pertaining to the specified item. Only those text codes which apply to the text type entered in the Shipping Instructions Text Type field located on the Requisitions Control screen will be made available in this field.
Duplicate Record
This button allows users to copy data from the previous record into the new record. The record is duplicated with all column values except the Quantity column. The user must insert a new blank record, click the Duplicate Record button to copy values from the previous record, enter the required quantity, then click the Save button.
Entering a Free-Form Item
Free-form items are one-time items that will only be tracked for the purposes of this order and will not be tracked within the Inventory or Purchase Order modules.
In the Requisition Details section:
The Class and Type fields will be disabled. These fields only apply to inventory items.
Enter an item code to represent the free-form item.
Enter a name for the free-form item.
Enter the WM and price per unit for this free-form item.
Enter the quantity, distribution detail, location and text information as would be entered on a standard requisition line.