Terminate Employees

The Terminate Employees screen is used to log the termination of one or more employees. The system does not process the pay for an employee in a pay period after the termination date.

Screenshot of Terminate Employees.

Pgm: PYTERMNT – Terminate Employees; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Processing > Terminate Employees

Company, Pay Group, Pay Run, Year, Period

Enter/select the company, pay group, and pay run of the terminated employee, as well the last year and pay period worked.

Termination Date

Enter the date of termination for the employee. This date must be in the pay period selected above.

Reason Type, Reason Code

Enter/select a reason type and code associated with the termination. These codes can be set up in the Text Type and Text Code screens in Global Tables. See the Systems Data manual for details on entering Text Types and Codes.

If terminating a range or a list of employees, each employee terminated under the process will receive the same reason type and reason code.

Employee Pick List, Starting Employee, Ending Employee

Enter/select the range of employees being terminated. To terminate a single employee, enter the same code in both the Starting Employee and Ending Employee fields.

Eligible For Rehire – Checkbox

Check this box if the employee can be rehired at a later date.

[Terminate] – Button

When this button is clicked, the system verifies the information and proceeds with the termination of the selected employees.

[List Employees] – Button

Pgm: PYTERMNT – Terminate Employees; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Processing > Terminate Employees – List Employees button

If a list of employees that do not fall under a specific range needs to be terminated, use the [List Employees] button and enter the same information as listed above for the main screen.

Terminate – Checkbox

Check this box to terminate an employee when the [Select] button is pressed.

[Select] – Button

Press the [Select] button to terminate the selected employees and return to the first screen.

Reinstating an Employee

Previously terminated employees can be reinstated using the Employment History Maintenance screen.

To reinstate an employee enter/select the desired employee, select the Re-Hire action, and enter the effective date of their rehiring