Union Locations Maintenance

Pgm: PYUNILOC – Union Locations Maintenance; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables > Payroll Unions > Union Locations

This screen is used to create union locations and associated trade classes.

Union Locations

This section is used to create the union locations.


Enter a code for the union location being created.


Enter a name for the union location.

Classed Unions

This section is used to specify the various trade classes under each union location. Multiple trade classes can be added under each union location, but each trade class can only be associated with one union.

NOTE: One union can be in multiple work locations and multiple trades can work in one work location but trade class can't be duplicated in one union location.

Trade Class, Class Name

Enter/select the trade class to be associated with the selected union location. The name of the selected trade class will default in the Class Name field.

Union, Union Name

Enter/select the union to be associated with the selected trade class.