
Screenshot of Unions

Pgm: PYUNIONS – Unions; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables > Payroll Unions > Unions

The Unions screen is used to define the unions to which employees belong. Union codes may be used to determine pay rates and to assign union benefits and deductions. These are necessary for the correct calculation of union dues and other information required to produce accurate union reports.


Enter the code for the union.

UniName, Union Short Name

Enter the full and short descriptions for the union.


Select whether the union is local, regional, or national.

Control Union

Enter/select the controlling union code in order to maintain a hierarchical union structure. Once a union class has been set up, it may then be used as a control group for another union by entering it into this field. The name of the controlling union appears in the UniUnionsUniName field.

Leave this field blank if a hierarchical union structure is not being used or if this union is at the top of the hierarchical structure.

Use Control Union Rates – Checkbox

Check this box to have the control union define the rates of the sub-union.

Collective Bargaining Region

Enter/select the collective bargaining region for the union. The full name of the collective bargaining region appears in the UniCollectBargainRegName field.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the primary contact for the union.

License No

Enter the license number for the union.

Issue Date

Enter the issue date for the license number for the union.

Address 1-3

Enter the address for the union.

Zip/Postal Code

Enter the zip code for the union.

Country Code, State/Province, County, City

Enter the country, state, county, and city codes for the union. These codes must have been set up previously in the Country Maintenance, State Maintenance, Country Maintenance, and City maintenance screens, respectively (standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Local Tables > Geographies).

Include Union as Regular Union in the ACA Reporting

Indicates whether or not the union is considered to be regular on all ACA reporting. This field is display only.