Define Tasks - [Schedule Rules] - Button
Pgm: PMTASKE – Schedule Rules pop-up window
Click on the Schedule Rules button to define the rules used to automatically schedule maintenance tasks. Ensure the Class/Company field has been populated first to enable this button.
Different columns are required and available depending on the measurement unit selected in the first column. There are three different kinds of measurement units.
Calendar-based units, such as CD, schedule maintenance based on the number of days, months, or weeks since the previous maintenance. If the previous maintenance was done late or early, the date of the next maintenance will be moved, respectively, backward or forward.
Accumulator-based units, such as MI, schedule maintenance based on how much the equipment has been used, as reflected in meter readings or records of hours of operation. The time between services may vary depending on how heavily the equipment has been used.
Frequently calendar and accumulator-based rules will be combined, such as is often the case for vehicles when the rule is of the form of every 20,000 miles or 3 months.
Fixed date rules are generally not combined with the other two. They would be used for tasks that must take place on certain prescribed dates. Examples of such tasks are renewing licenses and registrations, safety inspections, and changing snow tires.
In the Schedule Rules pop-up window enter the following information:
Meas. Unit
Enter or select a scheduling unit from a list of available units. The following units are always available: CD (calendar days), MO (calendar months), WK (calendar weeks), and FD (fixed date). Other units may be available if the task is being defined for a single piece of equipment and a corresponding accumulator has been defined for the equipment.
Not applicable to FD. Specify how frequently the task should be performed in terms of the unit in column 1. For example, if the measurement unit is MO (calendar months) this will be the number of months between times the equipment is serviced. If the measurement unit is MI (mileage) this will be the number of miles between servicing.
Increment Type
Applicable only to FD. In conjunction with the increment value specify how frequently this type of service should be done. For example, if the service is to be done every other year, specify “Y” here and “2” for the Increment Value column. Possible values are “Y” for every number of years, “M” for every number of months, and “D” for every number of days.
Increment Value
Applicable only to FD. See the explanation under the Increment Type description above.
Use Pct – Checkbox
Not applicable to FD. If the box is checked, the Latitude Units column is disabled and the Latitude Pct column is enabled. If it is unchecked the reverse is true.
Latitude Units
Not applicable to FD. This is an indication of how much flexibility there is in scheduling the maintenance. A new work item for this task is created when the accumulation gets within the specified number of units of the end of the service interval.
Latitude Pct
Not applicable to FD. This is an indication of how much flexibility there is in scheduling the maintenance. A new work item for this task is created when the accumulation gets within the specified percent of the way to the end of the service interval.
Schedule Date
Applicable only to FD. This is the date when the task must next be carried out. Regardless of whether it is performed on time or late the next scheduled maintenance by this rule will be based purely on this date, the increment type, and increment value.
The [Close] button automatically saves all the rules that have been specified or modified and closes the window.
If the rule needs to be deleted, select the row and click the [Delete] button.