Printing POs

Pgm: POREPRT – Purchase Order Printing; standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Process > Print Purchase Order

The Purchase Order Printing screen will allow for the printing of one or more copies of purchase orders whether processed or unprocessed, approved or un-approved.  The number of copies will depend on the Document Printing Options set up previously in local tables (standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Setup > Local Tables > Document Printing Options).

Selection Criteria – Section


Enter/select the company for which to print purchase orders.

Purchase Order Date

Enter/select the date, which will appear on the purchase orders selected for printing.

Sort By – Radio Buttons

Select the way in which to sort the purchase orders.  Purchase orders can be sorted by ‘Vendor’ or by ‘PO Number’.

PO Print Form

The print form will default from the setting on Purchase Order Control screen but can be changed at this time (standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Setup > Local Tables > Control – Purchase Order Defaults tab).

Number of Copies

This field will default to the number of copies set up previously on the Document Printing Options in local tables (standard Treeview path: Purchase Order > Setup > Local Tables > Document Printing Options).  If this was not set up, then the default here will be 1.  The number of copies can be changed, if required.

If 4 copies have been set up in the Document Printing Options setup screen, and this value is changed to 2, only the first 2 copies of the 4 will print.  It is not possible to only print copy number 3, users must print 1 through 3.

Un-Printed Purchase Orders Only – Checkbox

Check the ‘Un-Printed Purchase Orders Only’ box to limit the selection of purchase orders to purchase orders that have not been printed.

Leave this checkbox unchecked to limit the selection of purchase orders to purchase orders that have been printed.

Unprocessed PO – Checkbox

Check the ‘Unprocessed PO’ checkbox to limit the selection of purchase orders to purchase orders that have not yet been processed (posted).

Leave this checkbox unchecked to limit the selection of purchase orders to purchase orders that have already been processed.

Include Closed Purchase Orders – Checkbox

To re-print a closed PO, check the box to display both open and closed POs.

Print Quantities and Amounts

This option is not available under the standard version of the product.

Purchase Orders – Section

This section displays all purchase orders available for printing. 

Select – Checkbox

Check the ‘Select’ box(es) to select the POs to be printed.

[Print] – Button

Click the [Print] button to print the selected POs.