Positions - Opportunity Management

Pgm: OMPOSITION – Position; standard Treeview path: Opportunity Management > Setup > Positions

This screen is used to maintain the roles available for the drop-down list used to specify the role of a member that belongs to a sales support team. Sales support teams are created manually for each opportunity. Members of an opportunity’s sales support team, along with their particular role, are specified under the Sales Support Team section of an opportunity’s Team tab. Also, the sales support team does not have to be comprised of employees from only the user’s own company; it may have members from consulting companies or strategic alliance partners.

The following provides descriptions for the fields of a position’s entry.


Company for which the entry is available. An asterisk (*) indicates that it is available for all companies.

Company Name

Name of the company selected by the Company field. If asterisk is selected, field displays “All Companies”.


Position within the sales support team. When creating a new position code, type the code in this field instead of choosing a value from the list.


Description of the position. When creating a new position code, a description must be entered in this field before the record can be saved.