Import Functionality for Inventory

Why is it Useful?

CMiC has developed a utility to import new inventory items into the Inventory module. Previously, users had to import the item header, then manually assign item type, pricing and location per item. With this enhancement, users can now import data using a single import file.

NOTE: This feature was released in Patch 16 under Issue 22.59039.

How Does it Work?

All the import programs in the various modules are almost identical in format and usage. Each utility has a series of functions available from buttons on the main screen. The buttons are in the order in which the importing function should be completed. All the buttons perform the same function in each utility – they just validate and import into different CMiC tables.

For more information on standard import functions, refer to Import Utilities.

To learn more about some of the latest features released in this patch, return to Patch 16 Highlights.