Employee Self-Service R12 1.0 App Release

CMiC Employee Self-Service R12 1.0 has been released on Google Play and the App Store for CMiC R12. R12 Patch 13-2 is required to run this version.


Employee Personal Data View

  • Provides personal data views such as DOB, marital status, addresses for physical & mailing and contact information.

  • Displays W-4 information.

  • Displays dependent information registered in CMiC database.

Pay Stub

  • Allows employees to view all previous pay stubs.

  • Provides drill-down capabilities to view data on each pay type such as taxes, benefits and deductions.

  • Enables on-demand pay stub, emailing PDF copy to employee‘s registered email directly from app.

Vacation Balance

  • Displays available leave balances in a summary on the dashboard.

  • Enables drill-down to view each leave detail such as accrued, used and balance report.

  • Provides the ability to view details with the leave taken dates.

Enrolled Benefit View

  • Displays all enrolled benefits.

  • Provides detailed information such as plans, options, vendor and amount information available for each benefit.

  • Allows employees to view future benefits information pre-enrollment as soon as HR sets them up in the benefits module.

Time Sheet Entry

  • Enables personal time entry for pay run cycle such as weekly, bi-weekly, etc.

  • Provides all major E-time module functionalities in ESS personal time component.

  • Allows timesheet to be copied from the previous period.

  • Enables you to view or manage your team member's timesheets.

  • Provides real-time updates for project cost and payroll data.

NOTE: The CMiC software release R12 with patch 13-2 is required if customers would like to run CMiC ESS R12. Please request this patch by either creating a ticket or contacting your CMiC Account manager.