Jasper 7.5 – Common Issues

The most common issue for this installation are "SELECT" grants on the SD_USERS_EXT_REPORTS_V view. If your privileges exceed what the underlying object allows, this leads to errors during patch/upgrade installations. For example, granting "SELECT" on a DA view (that is based on an Oracle dba_columns view) will result in errors because dba_columns is a read-only view.

  • You can check for incorrect grants before patching by running this statement as DA:

    select grantee||'.'||privilege||'.'||grantable
    from dba_tab_privs
    where owner='DA'
    and table_name='SD_USERS_EXT_REPORTS_V'
    order by 1
  • Your next step is to review the output, revoke all "SELECT" grants, and replaced them with "READ" grants.

  • Check if the prerequisites were met by rerunning the above SQL statement to confirm that all grants are "READ" only.

Here are some examples of how to revoke and issue grants:

  • To revoke a grant, the SQL command is:

    revoke SELECT on SD_USERS_EXT_REPORTS_V from <schema_name>;
  • Then grant the new privilege with this SQL command:

    grant READ on SD_USERS_EXT_REPORTS_V to <schema_name>;

If the installation fails, please ZIP the entire spooling folder and send it to CMiC via a case for us to review. CMiC may create a customized JSMigration script for your Japser 6.3 to 7.5 update in complex cases.

It's crucial to complete this (V12-014-0) patch installation on all of your servers before installing any future patches. Failure to do so will cause future patches to fail.