Working with Bid Jobs

Overview – Working with Bid Jobs

Bid Jobs

One of the functions of bid jobs is to track costs incurred during the bid process. Once a bid has been won, there is the option of transferring the costs incurred during the bid process, recorded using the bid job record, to the new corresponding job record. Optionally, the new corresponding job can be created without these incurred costs.

Enterprise allows the keeping of records on why bids were won or lost, and about the competition. Also, because the jobs are flagged as bid jobs, the system can easily report on pre-contract costs.

Creating Bid Jobs

Creating a bid job is the same as creating a standard job, the only difference is to click the Bid Flag checkbox and to enter a bid date.

Assign Cost Codes & Enter Budgets

As with job records, the required cost codes may be assigned, and budgets associated with the bid entered.

Track Costs

While working through the bid process, incurred costs may be tracked using the bid job record, and then either transferred to the job once won, or closed out if lost. For this reason, transactions may be entered against bid jobs as against any job.

Indicate Status

Indicates whether the bid has been won or lost, and optionally, costs can be transferred to the actual job.