Using WBS Capabilities

Overview – Work Breakdown Structures

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) codes provide a supplementary method to effectively track and summarize costs on a transaction to transaction basis. The type of breakdown is dependent on the costing structure of the job and can be tailored to the specific requirements of the company. The WBS codes are user-defined and each code can be assigned a set of values.

These values define the attributes to be allocated to every job cost transaction.

Note When entering transactions, it is recommended to not skip WBS codes, e.g. populate WBS Code 1 and WBS Code 3, but skip WBS Code 2.

A maximum of four WBS codes can be defined and an unlimited set of values (WBS value codes) can be assigned to each WBS code.  WBS codes can be one of three types, free form, WBS defined, or user extension defined.

The user extension defined allows for a WBS value to be validated against other CMiC tables such as the employee file, or the vendor file.

For example, the requirement to have foremen assigned to each cost code (phase) of a job is specified by the company. These foremen are responsible for tracking all aspects of their respective cost codes (including costs, schedules, budgets, etc.). The ability to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of each foreman is provided by the information accumulated against these codes. A WBS code can be created to link the employee table, employee number or name to the WBS code.

Another use would be for tracking the weather conditions on such cost codes as pouring concrete or excavation.

WBS Code

WBS Value Code

WBS Value Name



Below Freezing







Prior to grouping costs with common attributes, remember that a maximum number of four WBS codes and an unlimited number of WBS value codes can be set up for each company.

The system validates the WBS codes at the lowest level of the costing structure of the job. Therefore, if a WBS code is applied at the cost code level, sub-cost code level and category level, the system will validate the processing and posting of transactions exclusively for the WBS codes at the cost code/category level.  Validation will occur from cost code – if assigned. Category if assigned, job set up if assigned, job budget category if assigned, and then WBS codes assigned at local tables.

When creating a new job, the system provides the ability to assign WBS default values at the job or the cost code/category levels. Revisions to default WBS codes for jobs with a “Pending” status are done through the Enter Budget (Job Budget Maintenance) screen. Once a job’s status is changed to “In Progress”, the user needs to unstart a job and then update the WBS default values on the Enter Budget screen.

NOTE: If using the PCI/WBS code option, ensure that the PCI numbers are not set to use the maximum size of PCI Numbering field (must be less than 11 characters) as it is larger than the maximum 10 characters of the WBS value code size. If done incorrectly, users will not be able to assign PCI codes in the WBS Code fields.