Job Cost Control File - Job Setup – Tab
Pgm: JCCTRLFM – Job Cost Control File – Job Setup tab; standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control File
Accounting Method
Select the required accounting method for your company. The accounting method refers to the method with which revenue will be recognized within the accounting period. The accounting method selected for the company will default to the Job Setup screen, where it may be changed on a job-by-job basis. The system provides the following accounting methods to recognize revenue:
Billings and Costs
Completed Contract
T&M WIP Accrual
Projected Final
The Projected Final checkbox determines the way in which the percent complete is calculated. The code entered here will default to the Enter Budget screen where it can be overridden on a cost code basis.
The system has three choices:
Committed Costs
Spent to Date
Largest of Spent or Committed
Refer to the Projected Final Cost Methods section for more info on these three methods.
Revenue Generation
CMiC Enterprise provides for the following revenue generation methods:
As Costs Incurred With GL
As Costs Incurred Without GL
The revenue generation method selected will depend on your type of business. Generally engineering based companies will select “As Costs Incurred (With GL)” while construction based companies will select the other “As Costs Incurred (Without GL)”.
Default Job Billing Method
There are two selections “Job Billing” and “Manual A/R Invoice”. The value entered here will be defaulted into the Enter Job screen (where it can be changed as required).
Depending on your system setup, you may also see “T&M” and “Progress Billing” as billing methods; these modules are being phased out, as their functionality is now available within the Job Billing module. Any jobs that have this type will still be available for billing, but you may not create new jobs for either of these two methods.
Default Retainage
Select the default retainage. Retainage codes are maintained by the Retainage Code Rules screen, reached via the following standard Treeview path: Job Billing > Setup > Local Tables > Retainage Code Rules.
Control Checkbox Options
Use Equipment Bill Rates For TM Or JB Billings
Check the field if you want billing rates to be retrieved from the equipment system billing rate tables instead of the Job Billing rate tables for any “E” type cost transactions.
Use Payroll Bill Rates For TM Or JB Billings
Check this field if Payroll defines the billing rates for labour hours rather than using the Job Billing rate tables.
Default Payroll Overhead Rates Group Required
Check this field if users must enter a valid value for the Default Payroll Overhead Group field when creating a new job. This field is available in the Payroll tab of the Enter Job screen and becomes mandatory when the control checkbox is checked.
Bid Job as Default
If you almost always create bid jobs before creating the actual job, then check this field. If this field is checked when a user creates a new job the job will default to a bid type job. This can be overridden as the job is entered if required.
Mandatory Default Job Department
This feature forces the user to specify to which department the job belongs every time a new job is created. To avoid errors this field should be checked if your jobs are not all maintained within a single department. If this field is not checked the system will default the job departments from the Accounts tab of this screen.
Mandatory Job Billing Rate Table for J/B Jobs
When set and a new job Job Billing type job is created, the billing rate table must be entered, if this box is checked. If this is not checked, you may apply a billing rate table to the job but it will not be mandatory. By checking this field, you are ensuring that when the first cost is posted to the job, the system will be able to calculate the potential revenue associated with the cost.
Mandatory Workers Comp For Job Cost Codes
When checked worker compensation codes will be mandatory at the job cost code (phase) level. This checkbox will affect Assign Job Cost Codes, Quick Cost Code/Category Insert when creating cost codes (phase) on-the-fly, and Job Budget Import screens.
Allow Transactions
This checkbox will be used to set by default the Allow Transactions checkbox in the Enter Job screen. If unchecked, then new jobs by default will not permit transactions to be entered unless the user sets the checkbox in the Enter Job screen.
Auto Create Equipment Location for Jobs
This checkbox will have the locations created automatically for equipment when a location is added to the Enter Job screen under the Equipment Locations tab.
Default Job To Use Davis-Bacon Rules
If checked, new jobs use the Davis-Bacon rule by default.
The Enter Job screen, shown below, also has the Use Davis-Bacon Rules checkbox, which inherits the default value from the JC Control File.
The effect of this option can only be seen in Payroll, where during timesheet entry, the program selects a higher rate under specific rate preference.
Sample of Enter Job screen; standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Job > Enter Job
Freeze Output Projected Quantity
When this checkbox is checked, the system does not update the output quantity projected value under any circumstance, even if the Freeze Units Along With Projected Amount checkbox is unchecked while this checkbox is checked. This affects all units complete postings.
Update Controlling Phase Name
When checked, users will be able to update the controlling cost code name and the system will update the same at the job level. This is applicable only when creating job cost code (phase)/category combinations on the fly from PMJSP and when using phase segmentation.
Job Mask
If the system is to automatically number all new jobs, check the Automatic Numbering Of Jobs checkbox, which enables the Job Mask field.
The Job Mask field is a 10-character user defined mask that specifies how the numbering system generates a job code. The asterisk (*) is used to indicate the placeholder for the numbers within the string. There are predefined codes that may be utilized as detailed below, or you may hard code a prefix or suffix. Do not include a space between characters when defining masks.
The available pre-defined codes are:
Code |
Description |
b |
Business Partner Code (Customer) |
c |
Company Code |
y |
Year |
m |
Month |
d |
Day |
* |
Next Available Number (Only use if subjobs have independent numbers) |
# |
Duplicates controlling job code for subjobs otherwise creates next available number (only use if subjobs have dependent numbers). |
s |
Gets the next available subjob number. This can only be used in conjunction with the “#” format and must be at the end of the mask. |
Note The predefined codes must be entered in lower case, otherwise they will be assumed to be hard coded values. No spaces are permitted in masks.
Mask |
Explanation |
Sample |
bbbb**** |
“b” represents a character of the customer code entered on the job. So, if the customer code is “ACME01”, the first 4 digits of the customer code would start the job number. |
ACME0001 |
ccbbbb*** |
“c” represents the company code of the job. So, if the company code is “03” this code would also be the first 2 digits of the job code. |
03ACME001 |
yybbbb*** |
“y”,”m”,”d” represent date formats. If the current year is 2004, this mask would start the job with the number “04”. |
04ACME001 |
########ss |
“#” represents duplicate the controlling job number for “x” number of characters. “s” indicates the actual sub-job unique code. NOTE: This mask should only be used if your sub-jobs have dependent numbers. |
Job: ACME0001 1st Subjob: 2nd Subjob: |
j-*****-02 |
“j” represents a hard coded job prefix. “–” represents the first delimiter. “*****” represents a 5 character numeric string. “-” represents the second delimiter. “02” represents a predefined suffix. |
J-00001-02 |
Unique Cost Code Across Templates
By default, this checkbox is unchecked. When checked, the system will prevent a cost code from being added to more than one template. Validation will only check active templates, active cost codes, and new cost codes being added to templates.
Cost codes existing on templates created beforehand will not be validated. For example, if cost code "05650" currently exists on five different templates, checking this box will not impact this cost code or the five templates. After the Unique Cost Code Across Templates box has been checked, if the user tries to add cost code "05650" to an additional sixth template, the system will display an error message that the cost code already exists on another template.
If a cost code template is active, but the cost code within the template is inactive, that cost code can be added to a new cost code template.
Job Estimated Start Date Defaulted To System Date
The Job Estimated Start Date Defaulted to System Date checkbox is applicable only to jobs created directly from the Job Setup screen. For all new jobs being entered, this checkbox will pre-populate the current system date as the expected start date for the job. When unchecked, the expected start date for the job will remain null.
Project Manager Is Mandatory on Job
When checked, the Project Manager field on the Job Detail tab of the Enter Job screen must be entered.
The project manager must be a system contact type “C” (company).
The LOV will be restricted to the PM contacts with the role as defined in the Job Billing control, unless the PM role in Job Billing is null. If null the LOV will show all contacts.
If the PM that is selected is an employee the department and or work location may automatically default from the employee into the Job Setup screen.
If a job is created in the Project Management application, then the job set up PM manager must populate from the key player on the project with the same role as specified in the Job Billing control as the PM role. If the JB PM role is null or there is no such key player, the PM manager on the Job Setup will be left as null.
When the Job Billing contract is created, the PM information – partner, type, contact code, and full name will be populated. If the Job Billing contract has both controlling and sub-jobs, the PM contact information will be from the controlling job only.
JB Contract Project Manager is Synchronized With Job PM
If this checkbox is used the project manager information cannot be changed on the JB Contract Setup screen. If the user needs to change PM, they should go to the Job Setup screen. Once the information is entered in the Job Setup screen the update partner, type, contact and full name will update on the Job Billing contract.
Updating the PM contact in the Job Setup screen will not lead to change in the department or work location fields if those fields are not null at time of entry.
JB Billing Address is Synchronized With Job Billing Contract
A new Billing Address field has been added to the Job Billing Address tab. If this checkbox is used the address code from the job setup is the address code to be used on the Job Billing contract address.
This is a two-way synchronization. If the address code is entered on the Job Costing set up the address code and address information will default to the Job Billing contract. If the address code is then changed on the Job Billing contract the correct address information will default and the address code will be changed on the Job Setup screen. However, if the address code is then changed a second time on the Job Setup screen only the address code will change on the Job Billing contract. This is due to the fact that the address lines on the Job Billing screen are updateable and the user may not want the manual entry overwritten.
Job Department Defaults PM Employee Home Department
If this checkbox is used the department associated to the PM manager’s employee set up home department will default to the Job Setup Screen.
Once a cost has been associated to the job the department code will be locked. This will remain locked even if the PM is changed at a later date.
If the home department is associated to a home company differing from the job and the department code does not exist in the job company an error will be given when the PM is chosen and a department will have to be reselected from the job company LOV.
Job Work Location Defaults PM Employee Work Location
If this checkbox is used the work location for the job will default from the work location for the employee.
The JC bid job has been modified to select the PM manager on the won job that was entered when setting up the bid job.
Reduce Commitments for Negative Price Variance Receipts
Addition of a control flag in Job Costing to control if adjustments to a commitment amount will be made when using purchase ordering. If checked, then only negative price variance receipts will adjust the commitments for the purchase orders. Adjustments are also applicable on negative receipts quantities.
Freeze Units Along With Projected Amount
This option allows users to have the freeze projection include not just amounts, but to now include freezing of the units when this option is set.
Note This function is only applicable to use in the Enter Cost Forecast (Enter Manual Forecast) screen.
Mark New Cost Codes on Jobs as Billing
By default this checkbox should be checked. If unchecked, whenever a new cost code (phase) is added to a job, it will be marked as “Not Billable”. If a cost code is marked as “Not Billable”, it means that any costs posted to this cost code, regardless of the status of the associated categories, will not be picked up by Job Billing and billed to the owner.
Market Sector is Mandatory on Job
By default this checkbox should be unchecked. If unchecked, during job entry, it will not be mandatory to enter the market sector for the customer. When this checkbox is checked, during the setup of a new job, the market sector associated with the customer will automatically default in. If none is defined, then the user must select one from the LOV.
Automatic Numbering Of Jobs
If the system is to automatically number all new jobs, check this box, which enables the Job Mask field.
Lock Cost Codes And Categories In Template Assigned To Job
When this box is checked, the Locked column will be visible on the Cost Code Template screen. From this screen, users can check the Locked checkbox to lock cost codes in a selected template and once the template is assigned to a job, the locked cost codes cannot be deactivated or removed from the job.
Note In order to lock/unlock cost codes, the user must have the JCLOCKCC system privilege assigned to them.
Job Cost Code Template
If a template is defined, then all the new jobs created will have that template defaulted on the job.
Automatically Apply Template To Job
If this box is checked, the cost code template is automatically applied to the job.
Validate Cost Code Master
When checked, cost codes added using the Cost Code Template Maintenance screen or the Assign Job Cost Codes screen will be validated against the company's master list of cost codes, which is maintained in the Enter Cost Code screen (standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Enter Cost Code). Any new cost codes that are added that don't pre-exist in the master list of cost codes will trigger an error message upon saving.
If this box is unchecked, then cost codes can be added that do not pre-exist in the master list of cost codes or in the cost code template assigned to the job.
The default value for this checkbox is checked.