Attachments - Job Costing
The screenshot above shows the Attachments pop-up window that is launched when the Attachments button is clicked. This pop-up window is comprised of two sections, which are described below.
Attached Files
The list of attached files can be collapsed or expanded using the and
icons, respectively.
To view an attached file, simply click the file’s name (file names are hyperlinks).
To delete an attachment, click on its corresponding Delete icon (X).
To upload an attachment, there are two options:
Upload Option 1
Use the Browse button to bring up a file manager window to search for and select the file to upload.
Upload Option 2
If you have a file manager window already open, you can use the drag-and-drop method to attach the file by clicking and holding the mouse button on the file to attach, and then dragging it over to the drop area in the Attachments pop-up window, as shown in the below screenshot.
For both methods, once the green upload status bar is full, showing that the upload has finished, click okay to complete the attachment.