Creation Of Stored Materials in RFP - Job Billing


The purpose of this job is to incorporate and process stored material information when entering request for payments. Stored materials allows the subcontractor to bill for an amount of material that is not yet used on the project.

NOTE: Material stored is only applicable to subcontracts invoiced via SC.


1. Process Stored Material Information When Entering Request for Payments

On the Request For Payment screen, the material stored amount is entered in the Current Material Stored column. The amount is just a reference, it will not be added to the Completed Amount column.

Saving the RFP stores the material stored in the Current Material Stored column as well as the corresponding column in Voucher Distribution against the relevant expense line. The voucher will also be updated with the total Material Stored Amount.

Posting RFP updates associated Cost Detail lines in JCDETAIL as well as corresponding columns in Voucher and Voucher Distribution.

The current value moves to “Previous Material Stored Amt” column upon posting the RFP.

2. Bill for Material Stored Amount in Job Billing

The material stored amount from the Subcontract Request for Payment entry screen will be carried over to the following Job Billing screens:

  • Prepare Billing

  • G/C Prepare Billing

  • Mass Billing

The material stored amount from RFP (could be multiple requests for payments going into one bill) will be populated in the Job Billing Material Stored column.

Additionally, the material stored override amount will be stored in Job Billing's Material Stored Override column to provide the ability of tracking overrides throughout draws/revisions.

The following columns are available on both the Prepare Billing and G/C prepare Billing screens:

  • Material Stored Override: Indicates the override amount on the bill code level.

  • MS Ovr: Indicates the material stored has been overridden.

In the Prepare Billing screen, both columns are visible.

In the G/C Prepare Billing screen, the override column is invisible but similar to other overrides, the colored Material Stored and MS Ovr columns indicate that the amount has been overridden.

2.1. Prepare Billing

The material stored amount from the Subcontract Request for Payment entry screen is carried over to Prepare Billing.

The user can override the material stored amount by entering in a value in the Override Material Stored column, then recalculating the billings. The colored columns Override Material Stored and MS Ovr with letter "O" indicate that the material stored amount has been overridden.

To clear overrides, user should clear the amount in Override Material Stored column that results in the related Recalc Notification message. Then, the [ReCalc. Billings] button retrieves the calculated material stored and resets the color and value of the MS Ovr column.

2.2 G/C Prepare Billing

The material stored amount from the Subcontract Request for Payment entry screen is carried over to the Material Stored Columns on the Summaries and Bill Code Detail tabs.

2.2.1. Override and Clear MS Overrides on Group 1 Summary to Group 5 Summary and Bill Code Detail Tabs

Similar to other overrides, when the user overrides material stored, followed by the Recalc Notification message and running the [ReCalc. Billings], colored columns Material Stored and MS Ovr with the letter "O", indicate that the material stored amount has been overridden.

Overriding the material stored amount(s) on any tab reflects on all tabs, including the Summary tab.

To clear the material stored override in the Group 1 Summary to Group 5 Summary tabs, use the [Clear Material Stored Override] button.

Similar to other clear overrides buttons, the available options include "Current", "All", or selected Billing Detail lines. The [ReCalc. Billings] button restores the calculated material stored amount.

Clearing material stored overrides behaves the same way in the Group 1 to 5 Summary and Bill Code Detail tabs. The result appears on all tabs, as well as the Summary tab.

2.2.2. Material Stored Override in Summary Tab:

To override the material stored amount for all detail lines, the user should enter an override amount in the Current Draw or Total to Date field of the Material Stored line, then press the [Accept Override Value] button to distribute the entered amount along all detail lines.

The change will be reflected in all Summary Groups, as well as the Bill Code Detail.

To clear overrides for all detail lines, the user should click on the [Clear Material Stored Overrides] button.

After clicking on the button, the material stored overrides will be cleared, the MS Ovr column reset, and the calculated amount restored in the Material Stored column.

2.3 Material Stored Overrides in PCI Detail Billing (G/C prepare billing screen):

If partial billing of a posted PCI is allowed (Detail PCI Billing is set to "Y" in the Job Billing Contract Entry > Defaults tab) and a Subcontract is linked to the PCI, the calculated value of the material stored amount will be defaulted from the material stored of the related posted RFP.

2.3.1. Material Stored Override and Clear MS Overrides in PCI Detail Billing Can Be Proceeded in the Summary Group 1 to 5 and Bill Code Detail Tabs, as well as the Summary Tab.

The process is the same as non-PCI Detail Billing and the colored "O" indicates that the material stored has been overridden.

2.3.2. Override Material Stored in ‘Change Orders’ popup:

In the PCI Detail Billing, the material stored can be overridden on the Change Order pop-up window at both the contract level or detail level.

After recalculation, it will be distributed to all bill codes associated with the changes and will be reflected on all tabs.

The existing functionality of the Combined, Original, and Changes radio buttons is applicable to the material stored amount with the added functionality.

Example with Combined radio button:

Example with Original radio button:

Example with Changes radio button:

2.4. Prepare Mass Billing

The material stored amount from the Subcontract Request for Payment entry screen is carried over to the Prepare Mass Billing screen. It will incorporate and process stored material information, prepare the billing, generate the invoice, then print the invoice for multiple contracts.

Example of invoice JBPB_U15: