Affordable Care Act Report

Accessing the Affordable Care Act Report requires first building the report data using the Build 1095C Report Data screen and then accessing the report using the ACA 1095C Filing screen.

Build 1095C Report Data

This screen allows users to build a file of all relevant ACA data associated with the entered FEIN for the given report year. This file can then be downloaded and processed from the ACA 1095C Filing screen.

Screenshot of Affordable Care Act-Build Report Data

Pgm: HRACA_BLDDATA – Affordable Care Act-Build Report Data; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Reports > Affordable Care Act > Build 1095C Report Data

ACA 1095C Filing

Pgm: HRACA_FILING – Affordable Care Act-Filing Parameter Screen; standard Treeview path: Human Resources > Reports > Affordable Care Act > ACA 1095C Filing

After using the Build 1095C Report Data screen, this screen can be used to process and download the completed report.

FEIN Number

Enter/select the FEIN associated with the company.

Report Year

Enter the year for which the report is being generated.

Sort Employees By

Select whether to sort the employees featured in the report by employee code, first name then last name, last name then first name, or Social Security Number.


Select from where the city code for the report should be taken.

Contact Name, Contact Phone, Ext.

Enter the name, phone number, and extension for the contact person.

ACA 1095C Filing (Yearly)

This screen is the same as the ACA 1095C Filing screen. Please refer to the above section for any further information.