Log Builder

Log Builder screen

Log Builder is launched using the following Treeview path: System > Logs > Log Builder.

Log Builder is an Enterprise business intelligence tool that enables users to filter, organize, and present a complex table’s data in a manner that helps them make informed business decisions. In this way, customized logs are similar to reports, and if required, their data can be exported to a spreadsheet.

Log Builder can be used to create a new log or edit an existing log. One way that users can customize their log is by editing column definitions.

The Log Builder screen will display every column for the selected table, in rows, with parameters for each column that control how the log displays them. Basically, a log is defined (customized) by defining how each of its columns are displayed, such as setting their visibility, their header title, width, whether or not their values are hyperlinks, and the order of their values (ascending, or descending).

The following provides descriptions of the fields used to control a column’s display by the log.


Specifies whether the column is visible in the log.

Display Order

Order in which the column will be displayed by the log.


Column’s header, as it is to be shown by the log.

Header Alignment

Column header’s alignment (left, center, or right).


Maximum number of characters that can be displayed by the column.


Alignment for the data displayed in the column (left, center, or right)

Format Mask

Only relevant to columns with numeric values; this mask is a character literal that describes how numeric values should be formatted.


This radio button is used to determine which of the first columns, with respected to the order of their display, are to be fixed (always displayed) when the table is scrolled horizontally. Only one column can be selected. The result is that the first column up to the column with this radio button selected remain fixed, when the remaining columns are horizontally scrolled through.


Indicates whether the column data can wrap to the next line.


Indicates whether the column can be searched against or not; only columns with this checkbox checked and that are visible are searched against when a user performs searches.


Only relevant to columns with numeric values; if checked, the column will have a total of all of its values at the end of it.

Sort Order

For columns with numeric values, the entered value specifies the starting value from which the log will begin displaying the column’s values, in the order set by the Sort Direction field. For example, if a user would like to view the Account Code column entries that start with a minimum value of 1000, and sorted by the direction specified by the Sort Direction field, enter “1000” for this field, for the Account Code column.

Sort Direction

Value that specifies how the column data should be sorted (ascending or descending).


This field is used to specify an Enterprise module, using a screen call, to display information associated with the column’s value. If an application is specified, this column’s value, in the log, becomes a hyperlink to launch the selected module to display its associated information.

Users can make custom logs accessible by adding them to the Treeview using the Treeview Builder tool or to the UI Console region.

For more information on Log Builder, please refer to the Log Builder reference guide.