Recalculate Balances - General Ledger

Pgm: GLRECBAL – Balance Recalculation; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Utilities > Recalculate Balances

When this procedure is run, the system will recalculate the opening and closing balances in every GL account from the start period and year specified, to the end of the current year. This procedure is mostly used during the startup of the CMiC system and when transactions are being imported.

This procedure may be run as many times as required.

Enter the company to be recalculated. The Department field can be left blank, signifying all departments. The starting year and period must be entered. Use the [Process] button to begin the recalculation.

The system will recalculate all balances starting from the year and period specified in these fields, up until the current year and period.

NOTE: There is a database scheduled job as well for recalculating the GL balances for all companies at once, on a regular basis. For example, users may prefer to run the database job on a nightly or weekly basis. It must be noted that running for all companies in one job may affect the performance, and users may have to adjust their scheduling accordingly.