Maintain Budgets
Pgm: BUDGFRM – Maintain Budgets; standard Treeview path: General Ledger > Setup > Maintain Budgets
Budgets can be entered for accounts so actual figures can be compared to budgeted amounts on financial statements. Enter and keep budgets for more than one year, if required. Each budget amount entered represents the activity for that account in the period and year specified.
The Maintain Budgets screen allows the user to enter specific budgeted amounts and units for every account and period required. This entry can be done manually, or it’s possible to generate the budget figures through various system options. The system can generate budget figures through the following means:
The copy of actual activity from a specific year.
The copy of budget activity from a different budget.
The even distribution of a manually entered yearly amount.
The pro-rated distribution of a manually entered yearly amount based on a previous budget.
The pro-rated distribution of a manually entered yearly amount based on actual activity.
The quarterly summary of actual activity from a specific year.
Selection Criteria
Enter/select the company code.
Query Data
Press the Query Data button to display the budget data for the selected company.
Budget Code
Enter a 2‑character code for this budget. Lowercase letters will be converted to uppercase. The budget code must be unique within the budget year.
Budget Year
Enter the fiscal year to which the budgets will apply. This must be a four-digit number.
Enter the descriptive name for this budget.
Account Type
Enter/select the account type for this budget.
From Department
Selecting to and from department ranges does not influence the ranges available in the Budget Details LOV, but is used to limit the For Department LOV selections when using the spread function.
Enter/select a starting account to limit the selection criteria in the Budget Detail section and the Spread pop-up window.
To Department
Selecting to and from department ranges does not influence the ranges available in the Budget Details LOV but are used to limit the For Department LOV selections when using the spread function.
Enter/select an ending account to limit the selection criteria in the Budget Detail section and the Spread pop-up window.
[Copy] – Button
Pgm: BUDGFRM – Budget Entry – Copy Function
The [Copy] button will generate budget figures by copying the activity from either a budget or from actual activity into the new budget.
Specify the Generating Restrictions
When generating the budget figures, the user may limit the budget update to specific criteria. The Maintain Budgets screen provides for the restriction of the account type as well as the department and account ranges.
To restrict the generation of budget figures to a specific account type, department, or account, simply enter the desired type, department, or account range and select the [Copy] button. When the user commits the copy budget, the system will only generate figures into the restricted departments and accounts.
Use Budget, Use Actual Amount – Radio Buttons
Select the ‘Use Budget’ radio button if the user wants to copy the figures from an existing budget. When this option is selected, the user will be required to enter a budget code and budget year into the fields that follow.
Select the ‘Use Actual Amount’ radio button if the user wants to copy the figures from the actual balances within a specific year. When this option is selected, the user will be required to enter a budget year into the field that follows.
NOTE: The user will not have access to the Source Budget Code field if the ‘Use Actual Amount’ radio button has been selected.
Source Budget Code
Enter/select the budget code from which the figures are to be copied based on the restrictions in the previous screen. This field is only accessible if the user has selected the ‘Use Budget’ radio button.
If the user has selected the ‘Use Budget’ radio button, enter the budget year from which the user wants to copy the figures based on the restrictions in the previous screen.
If the user has selected the ‘Use Source’ radio button, enter the actual year from which the user wants to copy the figures based on the restrictions in the previous screen.
Percent Change
Enter a percentage increase or decrease to be applied against the selected budget. The module will then automatically update the figures to reflect this percentage change.
If, for example, the user has $1000 as the actual figure for each period of an account and they wish to increase that number by 10%, then enter “10” in this field. Once generated, each period for that account will display an amount of $1100.
If the user has $1000 as the actual figure for each period of an account and they wish to decrease that number by 10%, then enter “–10” in this field. Once generated, each period for that account will display an amount of $900.
[Spread] – Button
Pgm: BUDGFRM – Budget Entry – Spread Function
The [Spread] option allows the user to enter a yearly figure against a department and account, and have the module generate the budget figures for each period within that budget year. The method used to calculate the proportion of each periods distribution can be determined in three ways; spread evenly, pro-rated by budget, or pro-rated by actual.
Enter the budget header and specify the generating restrictions.
To restrict the selection of the department and account in the Spread Budget pop-up window, simply enter the desired type, department, or account range and select the [Spread] button. When entering the desired department and account, the module will restrict the user to the criteria in the previous screen.
Spread Evenly, Pro-rate Budget, Pro-rate Actual – Radio Buttons
Check the ‘Spread Evenly’ radio button if the figures entered into this pop-up window should be distributed evenly across all periods.
Check the ‘Pro-Rate Budget’ radio button if the module should calculate the proportion of the total budget that applies to each period for the budget indicated, and distribute the yearly figure entered on this pop-up window to each period of the new budget in the same proportion. When this option is selected, the user will be required to enter a budget code and budget year into the fields that follow.
Check the ‘Pro-Rate Actual’ radio button if the module should calculate the proportion of the total actual activity that applies to each period for the year specified, and distribute the yearly figure entered on this pop-up window to each period of the new budget in the same proportion. When this option is selected, the user will be required to enter a company code and year into the fields that follow.
For Department
Enter the department code for the department that the budget is being generated for.
Enter the account code for the account that the budget is being generated for.
Enter the yearly amount that should be distributed to each period within this budget. If an amount is not entered in this field, units are required to be entered.
If the account selected has a WM code, enter the annual number of units that should be distributed to each period within this budget. This field is not required if a budget amount is entered.
Budget Code
If the ‘Pro-Rate by Budget’ radio button has been selected, enter the budget code that the module should use to calculate the proportions.
Year (Budget Year)
If the ‘Pro-Rate by Budget’ radio button has been selected, enter the budget year that the module should use to calculate the proportions.
If the ‘Pro-Rate by Actual’ radio button has been selected, enter the company code that the module should use to calculate the proportions.
Year (Actual Year)
If the ‘Pro-Rate by Actual’ radio button has been selected, enter the year that the module should use to calculate the proportions.
[Quarterly Roll] – Button
Pgm: BUDGFRM – Budget Entry – Quarterly Roll Function
The [Quarterly Roll] button allows the user to generate quarterly budget figures by taking the actual activity for a specific quarter and rolling it into a single quarterly figure on the budget.
This button will only appear for those companies that use a 12-period year. When the budget is generated, figures will only appear for periods 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Enter the budget header and specify the generating restrictions
When generating the budget figures, the user may limit the budget update to specific criteria. The Maintain Budget screen provides for the restriction of the account type as well as the department and account ranges.
To restrict the generation of budget figures to a specific account type, department, or account - enter the desired type, department, or account range and select the [Quarterly Roll] button. When the user commits the quarterly roll criteria, the module will only generate figures into the restricted departments and accounts.
Enter the actual year from which the user wants to roll the activity based on the restrictions in the previous screen.
From Quarter, To Quarter
Enter the from quarter and to quarter range for which the budget should be generated. If the entire year is needed, enter “1” in the From Quarter field and enter “4” in the To Quarter field. If a budget should be generated for a single quarter, then enter the same quarter number in both the From Quarter and To Quarter fields.
Budget Detail
Enter/select the department of the account being budgeted.
Account, Name
Enter/select the account that is being budgeted on this line.
Period 1 … Period 12 (Budget Amounts)
For each period, enter the budget activity for the specified account – the value entered in this field must be a number. The number entered here represents the activity for the period. The activity measures the sum of debits and credits to an account in the period, and does not include the balance in the account at the beginning of the period. This differs from the account balances, which represent the closing balance for the period (opening balance for the period plus activity during the period).
If entering an amount for an asset or expense account, enter the amount as a positive value. If entering an amount for a liability or revenue account, enter the amount as a negative value.
The period number must not be larger than the number of periods for the fiscal year specified.