Summary – Tab

Pgm: RPFCAST – GC Monitor; standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Forecasting > GC Monitor - Summary tab

The Summary tab displays a single summary line for each bill code used in the forecast lines of the Labor and Other tabs. So, if a bill code was used in 15 different forecast lines, the Summary tab will have a single summary line for that bill code with the following notable fields:

  • Actual Cost to Date: Total posted costs for every forecast line with the bill code.

  • Projected Cost to Complete: Total projected costs for every forecast line with the bill code.

  • Original Cost Budget, Current Cost Budget, Projected Cost Budget: Original, current and projected budget for the bill code.

If any changes are made on either of the other tabs, click the [Update Forecast Summary] button to refresh this tab’s summary.

NOTE: The summary lines for bill codes on this tab contain many of the same columns as the forecast lines in the CMiC Field Contract Forecasting with PCI Projections application.

Summary Forecast Table

The following provides details about the columns on the Summary tab:

Bill Code, Bill Code Name     

Bill code being summarized by the summary line.

Bill Job Code

Job to which this bill code’s costs are charged.

Bill Cost Code

Cost code component of the bill code.

Bill Cat Code

Category component of the bill code.


This is the billing type.  Available options are: Cost, Unit, UPHS, and NR.


This is the forecasting method. Available options are: A = Amounts, P = Productivity, U = Units. 

Original Cost Budget

Original cost budget for the bill code as of the start of the Contract.

Approved OCO (Owner Change Orders)

Total cost amount of all posted Change Orders of the internal, external and transfer types where the post date is on or before the end of the current forecast period. The Internal Change Order Amount will be included only when the ‘Internal Change Orders Update Budget’ checkbox is checked in the Change Management module's Control File (standard Treeview path: Change Management > Local Tables > Control).

Current Cost Budget

= Original Cost Budget + Approved OCO Cost Amounts, up to end of current forecast period.

Out of Scope Changes in Process

Total cost amount of all unposted Change Orders of all types that have the following PCI status attributes:

  • Pending Type is “Approved” or “Pending”.

  • 'Forecast' checkbox is checked to include changes in forecast.

Shown below, the Maintain PCI Status Codes screen is used to maintain the PCI statuses:

Pgm: CMSTATFM - Maintain PCI Status Codes; standard Treeview path: Change Management > Local Tables > PCI Status Codes

Projected Cost Budget

= Current Cost Budget + Pending Change Orders

Actual Cost to Date

Actual cost amount, posted to the JC Transaction table for this bill code up to the end of the current forecast period.

Open Commitment

(sum of all ‘O’ type transactions posted on or before end of current forecast period) - (sum of all Job Cost ‘Cost’ type transactions posted on or before end of current forecast period against Commitment)

Spent & Committed

(sum of all ‘O’ type transactions posted on or before the Period End Date) + (sum of all Job Cost ‘Cost’ type transactions where the post date is on or before the Period End Date not posted against Commitment)

In Scope Changes

Total cost amount of all unposted Change Orders of the “Internal” type with PCI statuses as "Pending" or "Pre-Pending" and have their ‘Forecast’ checkbox checked to include the changes in the forecast.

Shown below, the Maintain PCI Status Codes screen is used to maintain the PCI statuses:

Pgm: CMSTATFM - Maintain PCI Status Codes; standard Treeview path: Change Management > Local Tables > PCI Status Codes

Out of Scope Changes

Total cost amount of all unposted Changes Orders of “Transfer” type that have the following PCI status attributes:

  • Pending type is “Pending”, “Approved” or “Rejected”.

  • 'Forecast' checkbox is checked to include changes in forecast.

Shown below, the Maintain PCI Status Codes screen is used to maintain the PCI statuses:

Pgm: CMSTATFM - Maintain PCI Status Codes; standard Treeview path: Change Management > Local Tables > PCI Status Codes

Resource ETC

Sum of Projected Cost Amount for all labor resources assigned to the Job/Cost Code/Category on the Labor tab.

Others ETC

Sum of Projected Cost Amount of all forecast lines assigned to the Job/Cost Code/Category on the Other tab.

Total ETC

= Resource ETC + Others ETC

Projected Cost to Complete

= Projected Cost Amount – Spent & Committed (In Scope)

Forecasted Cost

= Actual Cost To Date + Open Commitments + In Scope Changes + Out Of Scope Changes + Total ETC

Cost Variance

= Projected Cost Budget - Forecasted Cost

Potential Owner Changes

Total cost amount of all unposted Changes Orders of the “External” and “Transfer” type that have the following PCI status attributes:

  • Pending Type is “Pre-Pending”.

  • 'Forecast' checkbox is checked to include changes in forecast.

Shown below, the Maintain PCI Status Codes screen is used to maintain the PCI statuses:

Pgm: CMSTATFM - Maintain PCI Status Codes; standard Treeview path: Change Management > Local Tables > PCI Status Codes

Potential Forecasted Cost

= Forecasted Cost + Potential Owner Changes