Asset Query
Pgm: FAASQRY – Asset Query; standard Treeview path: Fixed Assets > Query > Asset Query
This query shows, in a table under the Details section, the assets’ depreciation status for a selected company, category, year, and accounting period. After the fields in the Selection Criteria section are entered, click [Query] to view the results under the Details section.
Selection Criteria
In the Company field, select the company to see its asset query. This field is initially set to the default company.
The Category field is optional. If left out, all assets will be listed. If a valid category code is entered or selected from the LOV, only assets in that category will be displayed.
The Year and Period fields default to the current accounting year and period. They determine what additions and betterment's and what depreciation transactions are included in the ACB and depreciation amounts displayed by the query.
The 'Include Disposed Assets' checkbox is used to set whether or not to include disposed assets in the query. For more information on how to set an asset's disposal status, see Asset Maintenance - Equipment Detail - Tab.
Query Fields
The asset code.
The name of the asset.
Original Cost
The original cost of the asset from the asset definition.
Adjusted Cost Base
Original cost plus additions and betterments as of the specified period.
Depr to Date
The depreciation posted up to and including the specified period.
Net Book Value
The ACB − depreciation to date.
Curr Period Depr
Depreciation posted this period.
Curr Year Depr
Depreciation posted this fiscal year to date.
Fair Market Value
Fair market value from the asset definition.