Benefit Enrollment - ESS Employee

Screenshot of Benefit Enrollment

CMiC Open Enrollment; standard Treeview path: Employee Self-Service > Payment Administration > Benefit Enrollment

The CMiC Open Enrollment screen provides employees with convenient access to their benefit information. This screen is comprised of the Personal, Family, Benefits, and Confirmation screens, which can be navigated by pressing the [Previous] and [Next] buttons.


Screenshot of Benefit Enrollment - Personal tab

This screen displays employee information taken from the Employee Profile. During open enrollment, employees can verify all personal details. However, changes to Employee Profile should be made in the Personal Information screen and submitted to the manger as a request. Only one change request may be made at a time.

[Reset Enrollment] – Button

Press this button to start the enrollment process again. This button is only available for Enterprise/LDAP users with the system privilege 'SSERESETEN – SSE: Allows user to reset enrollment in Benefit Enrollment screen' enabled.


Screenshot of Family tab.

This screen displays all family member information entered for the employee. Edit current family members by pressing the Edit icon, or add a new dependent by pressing the [Add Family Member] button, which brings up the section shown below.

Screenshot of Personal Details section.

Once the details have been entered and the [Save Details] button has been pressed, family members can be marked as dependents or beneficiaries by checking the 'Dependent' or 'Beneficiary' boxes. Family members may have both boxes checked at once. Once a family member has been saved, they will appear on the Benefits screen, detailed below.


Screenshot of Benefits tab.

This screen allows users to enroll in benefit and deduction plans, download relevant documents, and manage their beneficiaries. Select a plan from the Benefits Enrollment section to display its details in the Plan Details section.

Beneficiaries and dependents are shown at the bottom of this screen. Beneficiaries will display Percentage and Type fields (the latter being either primary or contingent), whereas non-beneficiaries will display the start and end dates of the benefit.


Press the document icon to download documents containing details of the benefit policy.


This column shows the current status of the plan as it relates to the user. If the user has recently enrolled the status is "New Enrollment", if they enrolled in a previous session the status is "Currently Enrolled", and if they have not enrolled then the status is "Not Enrolled".

[Enroll] – Button

Press this button too enroll the user and their dependents (if selected) into the benefit plan. Once the user is enrolled, this button becomes the [Change] button which allows users to change the conditions of their enrollment.


Screenshot of Confirmation tab.

Here, users can check and confirm all the information they have entered. To complete enrollment, confirm the information, check the 'Signature' box and press the [Sign and Submit] button.