Leave Dashboard (Web)


Screenshot of Leave Dashboard.

Leave Dashboard; standard Treeview path: Employee Self Service > Manager Self Service > Leave Dashboard - Monthly View

The Leave Dashboard screen is available in the ESS module as well as in Construct ESS web deployment (desktop) version.

The Leave Dashboard displays employee leaves in either Weekly or Monthly view and includes a helpful panel of pie-charts. The [Weekly] and [Monthly] buttons are used to switch between the weekly and monthly dashboard views. By default, the dashboard will be displayed in Weekly view. The Calendar icon is used to filter the leaves by date, depending of whether the weekly or monthly dashboard is being viewed. The leaves can also be filtered by type, by enabling and disabling the colored leave buttons.

The dashboard is divided into three areas: Header Filter, Main View, and Pie Charts. The Main View and Pie Chart areas are loaded simultaneously on launch and refreshed if updated filters are applied in the Header Filter.


User Maintenance

Screenshot of User Maintenance screen.

Pgm: SDUSRMNT – User Maintenance; standard Treeview path: System > Security > User Maintenance – System Privileges tab

The SSELEVDSBD privilege is used to control access to data in the Leave Dashboard screen and is assigned to a user in the System Privileges tab of the User Maintenance screen in the System Data module.

Header Filter

Screenshot of Header Filter section of Leave Dashboard.

The Header Filter panel, which is located along the top of the dashboard, contains a row of fields used to filter the dashboard data by company, department, pay group, pay run, trade, and job. By default, the Company drop-down is enabled for selection. Each of the other fields is set to “All”. The Direct Reports Only toggle is enabled by default.

Once a company is selected, each field contains a drop-down with options available for selection to narrow the dashboard's results.

Once the filters have been applied, the results will be displayed in the dashboard.

The Company and Department fields are based on the settings defined in the Self Service tab of the System Options screen in the System Data module.

Pgm: SYSOPT – System Options; standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – Self Service tab

At the system level, these fields can be set to filter by Payroll Company/Department, or Home Company/Department.

Pgm: PYEMPLOY – Employee Profile; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Setup > Employees > Employee Profile – HR Information tab

The job is populated based on the Last Timesheet Job field located on the HR Info tab of the Employee Profile in the US Payroll module.

Main View

This view shows employees and any approved leaves associated to them, as well as any holidays occurring in that week or month. Holidays are based on the company's country and state.

NOTE: User can set the System Option to consider "Payroll" company or "Home" company, as discussed above.

The dashboard can be set to Weekly View or Monthly View.

Filter Chips

Filter chips are used to filter the dashboard even further by enabling and disabling the chips to show or hide specific leave codes. The labels on the chips are defined in the Short Description field on the Leaves Master screen in the US Payroll module. Any leave codes that are set to “View only” and “View & Request only” in the Accessible in Employee Self Service field on the Leaves Master screen will be shown. By default, the filter chips will be displayed in alphabetical order. Whenever a user enables/disables these filter chips, the system will save their preferences for the next time they log in.

Weekly View

Screenshot of Leave Dashboard in Weekly view.

Leave Dashboard; standard Treeview path: Employee Self Service > Manager Self Service > Leave Dashboard - Weekly View

The Weekly view will list employees and their approved leaves (using Leave Short Description) for each day of the week. This view will show all employees who have at least one leave in that week.

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is enabled, users will only see their direct reports and themselves in the Weekly view with the relevant leave description.

Screenshot of Leave Dashboard in Weekly view with Direct Reports Only disabled.

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is disabled, users will see all employees in Weekly view. the direct reports and themselves will take precedence with the relevant leave description, while everyone else will just have "Leave" in the description.

Screenshot of Leave Dashboard in Weekly view with Direct Reports Only toggle disabled and security privilege assigned.

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is disabled and the user has the SSELEVDSBD privilege assigned, they will see all employees in the Weekly view with the relevant leave description.

Monthly View

Screenshot of the Leave Dashboard in Monthly view.

Leave Dashboard; standard Treeview path: Employee Self Service > Manager Self Service > Leave Dashboard - Monthly View

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is enabled, the cells in the Monthly view will display team member names, which are color-coded based on leave codes. The cells are scrollable and expandable to accommodate data with more than 5 or 6 employees.

Screenshot of Leave Dashboard in Monthly view with Direct Reports Only toggle disabled.

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is disabled, the cells in the Monthly view will display all employees based on the header filter (not just the members). Only team members are color-coded based on leave codes, while others are gray in color.

Screenshot of Leave Dashboard in Monthly view with Direct Reports Only toggle disabled and security privilege assigned.

When the Direct Reports Only toggle is disabled and the user has the SSELEVDSBD privilege assigned, the cells in the Monthly view will display all employees based on the header filter (not just the team members), and all of them will be color-coded based on leave codes.

Pie Charts

The pie charts are filtered by the Header Filter, and buttons for remaining and taken leaves will be available for each selection.

Taken leaves will include all the used leaves of the employees based on selections applied in the Header Filter.

Remaining leaves is the total of the balances for each leave code based on selections applied in the Header Filter.