Batch Entry - Equipment Costing
Entering a New Batch
A batch can be thought of as a file folder of work. The Equipment Costing module requires that a batch number be associated with all equipment transactions. Whether entering timesheets, location transfers or automatic charge-outs, the user must enter a batch number for the transactions being entered or generated. This batch number can be used to track the transactions in other applications after they have been processed.
In all programs where a batch is required, there is a [Create Batch] button next to the batch number field. To enable the [Create Batch] button, delete the current batch number, which will also clear out the batch name field. Click on the [Create Batch] button to automatically create a new batch. The batch type is determined by the screen on which the user created the batch. (The table below lists the batch types available in the Equipment Costing module). A batch is given a number, name, date, type and if required a control total. A batch also belongs to the user who created it.
For ease of use and tracking, we recommend that batches be limited to transactions within one fiscal period. This makes the filing of the audit trails much easier and ensures that the period end procedures are simple to follow.
The Equipment Costing module has a unique batch type for each type of transaction.
Batch Type Code | Batch Transaction Type |
* |
Time Entry Allows Multi-Company Batch – Enter * in the company field |
AC |
Auto Charge Out Batch |
Actual Location Transfer Batch |
B |
Revenue Transaction Batch |
Opening Balances |
C |
Cost Transaction Batch |
T |
Time Entry Batch |
V |
Actual Location Adjustment Batch |
Home Location Transfer Batch |
Bulk Equipment Quantity |
Time Reallocation Batch |
Time Reconciliation Batch |
Pgm: EMBCHFM – Equipment Costing Batch Entry; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Batch Entry
The Equipment Costing Batch Entry screen can also be used to create a new batch. This screen can be accessed from the Transactions menu under Treeview, or by using the [View Batch] button located beside the [Create Batch] button in any data entry program. This screen displays all the unposted batches for the current user. If the user has the system privilege ‘EMPB - EM: Allows the user access to EM batches belonging to other users’, then all unposted batches for the company will display.
When this screen is launched from the [View Batch] button, the batch type is automatically set to the correct type for the type of transaction being entered.
If the user is launching the Batch Entry screen from the Transactions menu in Treeview, the company code will default from setup and can be overwritten. An asterisk (*) may be entered in the company field for a multi-company batch, only if this is to be a time entry batch. If launching the screen from the [View Batch] button, the company code will default from the entry screen. If a time entry multi-company batch “*” is wanted, the company code will have to be changed in the entry screen prior to pressing the [View Batch] button.
Type (Batch Type)
Enter/select the required batch type. The default will be “Cost Transaction” type, but this should be changed to reflect the type of transaction batch being created. If the batch is not created with the correct type, it will not be available within the entry program. For example, a batch type “BAL” for opening balances cannot be used in the Time Entry program.
Unposted Batches – Tab
To insert a new batch, verify that the user is on the Unposted Batches tab and click on the [Insert] button on the block toolbar.
Batch Date and Name
The Batch Date field will automatically default to the system date. This field may be modified, if required. This field is for reference only; it is not the posting date of the batch. The batch name entered may depend on corporate policy. The batch name should be informative and meaningful to not just the creator but other system users as well. This is usually a descriptive name that includes a date, and the type of transactions to be entered into the batch.
User Name and Batch Number
The User Name and Batch Number fields are automatically populated by the system.
Selecting an Existing Batch
Example of how to access previously created batches in all transaction programs
Since all transactions must be entered into a batch, it is important to know how to access a previously created batch for entry and editing purposes. The easiest way is to use the Batch LOV available on the batch number field in all transaction programs.
Verifying a Batch before Posting
Example of verifying contents of a batch
The posting of a batch should never be done without first verifying the contents of the batch. This is done by printing the Edit List. Each type of transaction has an edit list available.
When running an edit list, there is an option to print a posted or un-posted batch for editing. The selection appears as radio buttons. Once selected, the batch LOV will show only those batches that are either posted or un-posted.
Enter equipment details in Print Edit List screen and then click on the [Print] button to print the report.
Example of Automatic Charge-out Edit List
Posting a Batch
Example of posting a batch
The Post Batch selection in equipment costing is for all transactions: journal entry, time entry, actual location transfer, actual location adjustment and automatic charge-out. When this option is selected from the menu, the user must select from the drop-down list the batch type being posted. The LOV will show only those batches that were created with this batch type. The user has the option to print the posting reports immediately or to leave the printing to a different time. On the Utilities menu, there is a Print Posting Reports option that will print or re-print reports (standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Utilities > Print Posting Reports).
This screen will automatically default to the user’s default company. Verify that the company code matches the company code of the batch being posted.
Batch Type
Select the type of batch to be posted. The batch number in the next field will be limited by the type of batch selected in this field.
Batch Number and Post Date
Enter the batch number and the posting date for all the transactions in the batch being posted. The date entered in this field will be the date of record for ALL the transactions in the batch. The General Ledger dispositions and any distributions to subledgers will also be processed with this date.
The posting date will default to the system date.
Journal Code
The system will default the journal code from the Equipment Costing control file. The journal code is used to group like transactions together so that they can be viewed in the GL under one query. The journal code usually represents the subledger.
Preview Posting – Checkbox
To preview the posting report(s) before posting, check the ‘Preview Posting’ checkbox and click the [Post] button.
Print Reports Immediately – Checkbox
Check this box to print the posting report immediately after posting. If left unchecked, the posting report will not print during the posting process but can be printed at a later time using the posting utility.
Deleting a Batch
Pgm: EMBCHFM – Equipment Costing Batch Entry; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Batch Entry
The [Delete] button will be enabled on the block toolbar of the Unposted Batches tab of the Batch Entry screen while the user is creating a new batch. Once the batch is saved using the [Save] button, the user will no longer be able to delete it from the Batch Entry screen.
The user can delete unposted batches using the Delete Unposted EM Batches screen (standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Utilities > Delete Unposted Batches).
For more information on this utility, please refer to Delete Unposted Batches - Equipment Costing.