Purging Non-Chargeable Auto-Charge Transactions


This functionality is used to purge non-chargeable auto-charge transactions, which allows users to manage growing lists of non-chargeable equipment by removing old records.


Pgm: EMCTRL – Equipment Costing Control File; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control – Charge/Reconciliation tab

The fields that control this functionality are located on the Equipment Costing Control File of the Equipment Costing module. By default, these fields are hidden so users will need to use Lite Editor to make them visible.

When the 'Suppress Non-Chargeable Records in Review Auto-Charge Out Program' checkbox is checked, the Cut-Off Date field becomes enabled for users to enter a cut-off date to filter the non-chargeable equipment list in the Automatic Chargeout screen.

This example uses the following equipment, transfer dates, and job location.

Equipment: SCL55, SCL56 & SCL57.

Transfer Date to job location 1050.

SCL55: 1st Nov 2021

SCL56: 1st Nov 2021

SCL57: 1st Dec 2021

Pgm: EMEQPLOCQRY – Equipment/Location Query; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Queries > Equipment/Location Query

The equipment is listed in the Equipment/Location Query screen, as shown above.

Pgm: EMCTRL – Equipment Costing Control File; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control – Charge/Reconciliation tab

In the Equipment Costing Control File, the 'Suppress Non-Chargeable Records in Review Auto-Charge Out Program' checkbox is not checked. Non-chargeable equipment will not be purged in this case.

Pgm: EMCHARGE – Create Transactions for Automatic Charge out; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Automatic Charge-Outs

Auto-charge out is carried from 1st Nov 2021 to 30th Nov 2021.

Pgm: EMCHGQRY – Charge Out Review Transactions

Auto-charge out is processed successfully. SCL55 and SCL56 equipment has non-chargeable transactions as shown in the screenshot above.

Example 1

Suppress Non-Chargeable Records in Review Auto-Charge Out Program: Checked (Y)

Cut-off Date: 31st Oct 2021

Pgm: EMCTRL – Equipment Costing Control File; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control – Charge/Reconciliation tab

The screenshot above shows the settings in the Equipment Costing Control File.

Pgm: EMCHGQRY – Charge Out Review Transactions

Since the equipment transfer date is greater than the cut-off date, non-chargeable equipment list will be shown in auto-charge out review program.

Example 2

Suppress Non-Chargeable Records in Review Auto-Charge Out Program: Checked (Y)

Cut-off Date: 2nd Nov 2021

Pgm: EMCTRL – Equipment Costing Control File; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control – Charge/Reconciliation tab

The screenshot above shows the settings in the Equipment Costing Control File.

The cut-off date is greater than the equipment transfer date. In this case, the non-chargeable equipment list will be purged. Since the auto-charge out is processed for SCL55 and SCL56, no transactions will be created in this case.

Pgm: EMCHARGE – Create Transactions for Automatic Charge out; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Automatic Charge-Outs

SCL55 an SCL56 equipment transactions will not be created.

Pgm: EMCHARGE – Create Transactions for Automatic Charge out; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Automatic Charge-Outs

An alert message is displayed since no transaction are created in this case of auto-charge out process. Clicking [OK] launches the Processing Log.

The Processing Log indicates that no transactions were processed.

Example 3

Suppress Non-Chargeable Records in Review Auto-Charge Out Program: Checked (Y)

Cut-off Date: 2nd Nov 2021

Equipment used in auto-charge out process:

SCL55: Transfer Date 1st Nov 2021

SCL56: Transfer Date 1st Nov 2021

SCL57: Transfer Date 1st Dec 2021

Pgm: EMCHARGE – Create Transactions for Automatic Charge out; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Automatic Charge-Outs

Here, SCL57 equipment is non-chargeable but will be processed in the auto-charge out program as its transfer date is greater than the cut-off date.

Pgm: EMCHARGE – Create Transactions for Automatic Charge out; standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Transactions > Automatic Charge-Outs

Processing completed successfully and 1 transaction is created.

Pgm: EMCHGQRY – Charge Out Review Transactions

SCL57 equipment is processed for auto-charge out program. SCL55 and SCL56 are non-chargeable equipment, which are purged in the review transaction program as the cut-off date is greater than the equipment transfer date.