Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact; standard Treeview path: Employee Console > Emergency Contact

The Emergency Contact screen can be used to view, add, edit, or delete an employee’s emergency contacts.

[Add] – Button

Press this button to add an emergency contact for the selected employee. Press the [Save] button to commit the record or press the [Cancel] button to abort the process.

Employee Information – Section

The Employee No., Employee Name, and Status fields default from the information entered in the Employee Profile.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Name

Enter the full name of the contact.


Enter/select the relation which the contact holds to the employee.


Select how high a level of priority this contact has, compared to other emergency contacts for the employee. The higher the priority, the sooner this person should be contacted in the event of an emergency.

Address1, Address2, Address3, Zip, County, State, Country

Enter/select the full address for the contact.

Phone, Alt. Phone, Cell Phone, Pager, Fax, Email

Enter the contact details for the contact.

Place of Birth, Date of Birth

Enter/select where and when the contact was born.

Working As

If the contact is currently an employee of the selected company, select them in this field.


Enter the Social Security number for the contact.


Select the sex of the contact.