ESign Documents Process

A user starts the process by accessing the Attachments tab of any PM object and pressing the [ESign Documents] button.

In the ESign pop-up window, the user can select Contacts to be included in the envelope as signers or CCs (in addition to or instead of any default signers) and assign a signing/viewing order. The user also selects one or more documents to be signed.

Pop-up window launched from [Esign Documents] button in CMiC Field

Once documents have been sent for signing, attachments that have been included in an envelope will display a ‘View ESignings’ link. This link displays a pop-up to view the ESigning history.

If the attachment has been included in multiple submissions then multiple envelopes will be displayed, allowing the user to select the submission they would like to view.

The detail page shows the envelope details, signers/CCs, sent/signed documents and status history. It also allows the user to void the envelope, providing the envelope is not in a completed state.