Pay Request Control


Screenshot of Pay Request Control screen.

The Pay Request Control screen manages the default contract configuration for a project's subcontracts. It is used to determine which mandatory documents must be submitted along with the RFPs. There are two types of documents that are available to be submitted:

  • Document types provided by CMiC.

  • User-defined document types.

This screen contains a default setting for all subcontracts on a project (i.e., "ALL" setting), as well as user-defined settings configured for individual subcontracts.

The screen is divided into three sections: Configuration of Subcontracts, Document Management, and Document Types.

Configuration of Subcontracts

Screenshot of Pay Request Control screen with labels describing each of the sections.

The Configuration of Subcontracts section contains the default contract configuration for all subcontracts in a project. This default configuration setting is located in the "ALL" row, which is the top row highlighted in the screenshot above.

When the "ALL" row is selected, the default document settings will be displayed in the Document Management and Document Types sections. Defaults can be configured in these two sections for the project's default configuration.

When an individual subcontract is selected, options are available to copy default settings and then customize the configuration settings as required.

The following controls are used in the Document Management and Document Types sections of this screen:

Allow Multiple RFPs - Toggle

This toggle is used to indicate if multiple RFPs are allowed for each subcontract on the specified project.

Active- Toggle

The Active toggle is used to control whether a document type is active or not. If a document type is active, it will be available in the Document Type drop-down menu on the Document & Signatures tab in Pay Request. By default, the Active toggle will be enabled for a document type, and a document type must be active for it to be set as mandatory using the Mandatory toggle.

Mandatory - Toggle

The Mandatory toggle is used to control whether a document type will be mandatory when submitting an RFP for the selected subcontract.

Delete - Icon

The Delete icon (Screenshot of Delete icon.) is used to delete a selected document type; however, it will only be enabled when the selected document type is not being used in GCS Pay Request.

[Save] - Button

When finished making changes, click on the [Save] button to save any updates.

Document Management

The Document Management section of the screen is used to specify which document types provided by CMiC will be mandatory when submitting an RFP for the selected subcontract on this project.

Screenshot of Document Management section of the screen.

Document Management section with "ALL" Default Contract Configuration selected and default settings applied

When the "ALL" row is selected in the Configuration of Subcontracts section, the Conditional Waivers, Unconditional Waivers, and Certificate of Payment documents are displayed. If any document types are enabled, they will be identified as mandatory for all subcontracts within the project.

NOTE: The Mandatory toggle for Unconditional Waivers is disabled because this option can't be used at this time for the document auto-submission, as information required for these waivers will only be available on Pay Request after an initial RFP payment is processed.

Screenshot of Document Management section of the screen with default settings applied.

Document Management section with individual subcontract selected and default settings applied

When an individual subcontract is selected, if the subcontract will be using the CMiC default document type settings already defined on the "ALL" row, then no further action in this section is required. If user-defined document type settings are required, press the [Define Custom Settings] button to copy the CMiC default document type default settings and override as required.

Document Types

Screenshot of Document Types section with default document types applied.

Document Types section with "ALL" Default Contract Configuration selected and default settings applied

The Document Types section is used to add and specify user-defined document types that will be mandatory when submitting an RFP for the selected subcontract on this project.

When the "ALL" row is selected, any Mandatory toggles that are enabled for specific user-defined document types will be mandatory on all of the project's subcontracts.

Screenshot of Document Types section of the screen displaying a new document type being added.

Adding a new user-defined document type

The [Add Document Type] button is used to insert a new row to define a new user-defined document type.

Screenshot of Document Types section of the screen with default settings applied.

Document Types section with individual subcontract selected and default settings applied

When an individual subcontract is selected, if the subcontract will be using the CMiC default user-defined document type settings already defined on the "ALL" row, then no further action in this section is required.

If overriding user-defined document types are required, press the [Define Custom Settings] button to copy the CMiC default user-defined document type settings and customize as required.

Screenshot of Document Types section of the screen displaying new document types being added.

Document Types section with individual subcontract selected and new user defined document types being created

Use the [Add Document Type] button to insert and define any new user-defined document types for the selected subcontract.

Document & Signatures

Screenshot of Pay Request Control screen.

When an RFP is submitted, Pay Request validates which documents must be attached to the RFP based on the mandatory document configuration on the Control screen. In the example above, two user-defined document types (e.g., ARC Supplier List and ARC Rental Document) have been identified as a mandatory user-defined document types for the selected subcontract.

Screenshot of the Pay Request screen with Document & Signatures tab enabled.

When the Document & Signatures tab is selected, a message will be displayed to indicate which user-defined document types (e.g., ARC Supplier List and ARC Rental Document) are mandatory and must be submitted along with the RFP. If a mandatory document is not uploaded, an error message will be displayed. Refer to Sign Pay Request Documents for more information.

Screenshot of the Pay Request screen with the Document & Signatures tab enabled and the Document Type field's drop-down menu launched.

The screenshot above shows the Document Type field's drop-down menu, listing available documents according to the configuration in the Pay Request Control screen.