Pulling Hours from the Construct CHK App


This functionality is a convenient way for foreman to extract hours for crew members from the Construct CHK app at any time, on any day of the week. The hours for the selected employees will be pulled into the crew timesheet in the Construct CT app. The option for performing this retrieval process is located in the Timesheet menu of the Construct CT app, which is accessed by pressing the Menu icon (Image of menu icon, three white vertical dots).

NOTE: When using this feature, all existing records are deleted, including manual overrides.

Construct CT Timesheet

Enabling/Disabling Feature

The ‘Allow to Pull Hours from Check-In App’ checkbox is used to enable/disable this feature on a user’s E-Time role. The checkbox is located in the Crewtime section of the E-Time Role Setup screen in the E-Time module.

Depending on the checkbox's status, the option will either be visible or hidden within the Timesheet menu of the Construct CT app.

E-Time Role Maintenance; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Setup > E-Time Role Maintenance

Retrieval Process

Once the feature is enabled, foremen can select the "Pull Hours from Check-In" option displayed in the Timesheet menu.

Selecting this option will open the Select Employees to Update pop-up window, where individual employees can be selected or the ‘Select All’ checkbox can be used to select all employees at once. Only the selected employees will have their hours pulled, and their hours will be extracted from the Construct CHK app. Click on [Done] when finished.

A confirmation message will appear for the user to confirm the requested action. Upon clicking [Confirm], the program will delete any manual edits made to the employee records and will replace them with the clock-in and clock-out hours from the Construct CHK app.

Clearing and Re-creating Timesheet

After completing the retrieval process, if a foreman selects the “Clear Time Sheet” option from the Timesheet menu and re-creates the template from the Crew Maintenance screen, the following scenarios apply:

a. For employees who have clocked out, their hours will be retrieved from the Construct CHK app and displayed.

b. If an employee never clocked in through the Construct CHK app, their scheduled hours will be shown on the crew timesheet.

c. All manual edits will be cleared, requiring the foreman to make the edits again.