Bid Package

Screenshot of Bid Packages

Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Bid Management > Bid Packages

Here, the invitation to bid is now specific for a material or service required for a specific phase of the project: in such a case, a bid package is more convenient.

A bid package is a group of individual bid items assembled together under a unique code where you can apply bidders and contacts, general bid information, special pricing, inclusions, and exclusions as well as maintain documents and addendum.

From the Bid Package screen, you can directly print, e-mail, or fax the bid package to the selected bidders according to the bidders’ preferred contact method.

Package No.

The Bid Package No. field may pre-fill if automatic numbering has been defined; otherwise, enter a bid package number. In many cases, this is usually the phase code.


Enter a name for the bid package.

General – Tab

Target Aware Date, Award Date, Start Date, End Date

Enter/select the target award date, the bid award date, the start, and end date of the work involved in this bid package.

Pre-Bid Meeting Date, Time, Location

If this bid package includes planning a pre-bid meeting, enter the date, time, and location.

Scope of Work

Enter the description/scope of the bid package.


Summary amounts are updated to match the Buyout items’ totals for the bid package if the user chooses to. The user can still override the bid package summary amounts after they have been updated from the buyout items value.

  • Budget Amount = Total Estimated Amount

  • Current Low Bid Amount = Total Quoted Amount

  • Target Amount  = Total Targeted Amount

  • Target Delta  = Budget - Target

  • Awarded Amount = Total Purchased (Actual) i.e. Subcontract created

  • Award Delta = Budget - Awarded

General Quotes

Enter any bonds or insurance to be considered with this bid in the General Quotes section.

Address – Tab

If the return bid address is not the project address, or the bid package contact is not the main project contact, then override the values using the Address tab.

Buy Out – Tab

The Buy Out functionality adds flexibility to the bid package and subsequent purchasing process. This functionality is only available via the Bid Package screen.

A buy out item can be created as:

  • A direct one-to-one match to a project bid item (previous Bid Package functionality).

  • A multi-linked item which is 1 buy out item linked to multiple project bid items.

  • A manually entered buy out item with no link to any project bid item.

Purchasing can be done directly from the Bidders tab of the Bid Package screen and it is now possible to purchase the base subcontract, a change order, or add to an existing un-posted base subcontract or change order.

A project bid item can now be purchased multiple times and the Project Bid Item screen will show if an item has been linked to a buy out item and will indicate if an item has been purchased on at least one posted subcontract or subcontract change order.

While in Edit mode of the Buy Out tab, the user can add a buy out item by clicking on the [Add Item] button.

Screenshot of Bid Package

The Add Item pop-up will be launched, where a buy out item can be entered.

There is also the option of selecting existing bid items and using them as buy out items. This is done in View mode of the Buy Out tab by clicking on the [Select Bid Item] button:

Screenshot of Bid Package

In order to purchase buy out items, the user must go to the Bidders tab.

The job, phase and category for each buy out item that will be purchased must be entered in order for that item to be shown on the Purchase screen when the [Purchase] button is clicked.

In the Buy Out tab, there is also the Link icon that allows users to link project bid items to buy out items:

Screenshot of Bid Package

Clicking on the icon will give the following screen showing already linked items, and an [Add Bid Items] button to add additional bid items:

Screenshot of Linked Bid Items

NOTE: The [Add Bid Items] button will not be displayed if the PM Company Control box on the Bid Management tab ‘One To One Relationship Between Bid Item And Buy Out Item’ is checked.

Other Key Figures in Buy Out tab

  • Current Estimated Amount = The right-most non-null value in the order: Actual/Quoted/Target/Pre-Estimate 2/Pre-Estimate 1

  • Current Estimated Savings = Budget (JC) minus Current Estimated Amount (Field security for this field exists - standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles.)

  • 'Exclude From Forecast' Checkbox – This box is used to indicate if the data is excluded from the Buy Out Forecast (JCCFCAST2.FMX). By default, it is un-checked. (Field security for this field exists - standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Security > Project Roles.)

Addenda – Tab

Screenshot of Addenda tab

The Addenda tab is used to view amendments (usually referred to as addendum) which indicate changes, corrections, or clarifications to a bid package. Addendum can be linked to one or more bid packages as required. Addendum are maintained in the Addendum screen.

Addendum No.

Enter/select an addendum number from the Addenda LOV.

Alternates – Tab

Screenshot of Alternates Tab

The Alternates tab can be used to enter alternate information for the bid package. The values for the Type field can be set in the Contract Alternate Type Maintenance screen.

Special Pricing – Tab

Include any special pricing requirements on the Special Pricing tab. Enter line #, description, job, phase and category.

NOTE: Line numbers (Line #) for Special Pricing can be edited.

Inclusions/Exclusions – Tabs

Enter any required inclusions and exclusions on the appropriate tab.

Enter line #, description, job, phase and category.

NOTE: Line numbers (Line #) for Inclusions and Exclusions can be edited.

Bidders – Tab

Screenshot of Bid Package - Bidders tab

Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Bid Management > Bid Package – Bidders tab

Bidders automatically get listed in the Bidders tab once the vendor field is filled in on the Buy Out tab. Bidders can also be added using the [Add Bidders] button or the Plus icon (Image of plus icon, white plus sign on blue square). Clicking on the [Add Bidders] button opens a pop-up window where you can filter partners with the filter categories. Users can filter by Location (including Zip Code and Radius), Classifiers, Prequalification parameters, CSI Codes, or Market Sectors.

Example of pop-up window launched from [Add Bidders] button on Bid Package screen

Example of pop-up window launched from [Add Bidders] button on Bid Package screen

The Group By filter is available on this screen and functions in the same way as it does in the Invitation to Bid screen. When a bidder receives an invitation to bid (via a bid package), they can can change their intent to bid, or not to bid, as many times as possible but invitation to bid responses are not accepted after the bid package due date.

This screen also contains columns for Prequalification Status, Approval Status, Phone, and the Edit icon to make changes (such as email address and phone number) to the Contact record. The Contact screen that is displayed is dependent on whether the contact is project-only or system contact. If it is both a project and system contact, then the Project Contact screen will open up.

Field security can be applied to the following fields in this tab and the Bidders log: 'Prequal Applicant' checkbox, 'Received Plans/Specs' checkbox, Prequalification Status, and Approval Status. Field security can also be set on the ‘Send’ checkbox on the Bidders tab.

It is also in this tab that the user can now purchase the buy out items per vendor, using the [Purchase] button.

Purchasing Buy Out Items

Purchasing can be done directly from the Bidders tab and it is now possible to purchase the base contract, a change order, or add to an existing unposted base contract or change order.

A project bid item can now be purchased multiple times and the Project Bid Item screen will show if an item has been linked to a buy out item and will indicate if an item has been purchased on at least one posted subcontract or subcontract change order.

Screenshot of Bid Package

Click on the vendor from who you will be purchasing.

Click the [Purchase] button.

If the Quoted fields were entered for these buy out items, they will be shown in the purchase screen, otherwise, the user has the option of entering or changing the values here:

Screenshot of Purchase Items

Select whether you want to create a contract, create a change order or add to an existing unposted subcontract or change order. There is also the option to create schedule of values at either the bid item level or create without schedule of value (no schedule).

Select the record and click the [Proceed] button. The Subcontract screen will be displayed with the details in the schedule of values.

Notes – Tab

Screenshot of Bid Package

Use the Notes tab to enter any additional notes regarding the bid package. Users must have required security privileges assigned to create, edit, and delete notes.

Attachments – Tab

Screenshot of Bid Package

Use the Attachments tab to enter any related specifications, documents, and schemas of which bidders should be aware.

Copying From Bid Package or Subcontract to Bid Package

Pop-up window launched from [Copy From] button on Bid Package Screen

Pop-up window launched from [Copy From] button on Bid Package screen

The [Copy From] button's functionality in the Bid Package screen allows you to:

  • copy from bid packages that exist in the source company

  • copy from bid packages that exist in a different company than the source company

  • copy from a subcontract (in or out of the source company)

The [Copy From] button becomes enabled when the user has created and saved a bid package and the screen is in View mode. User company/project security is enforced for this functionality.


Select a company from the LOV. The company from the current project is defaulted in this field.


Select a project from the LOV. The current project is defaulted into this field.

Bid Package or Subcontract

The Bid Package and Subcontract fields can’t be selected without first selecting a project. You can only copy from a bid package or subcontract, not both at the same time. If a bid package is selected, when you try to select a subcontract, the Bid Package field will be cleared.

For bid packages, attachments are not copied across companies or projects.

Detail to Copy – Checkboxes

The Detail to Copy checkboxes represent the details in the bid package or subcontract to be copied.

The Subcontract option only allows the following details to be copied (within the same company and project):

Screenshot of Copy from Bid Package

The Subcontract option only allows the following to be copied across companies or same company but different project:

Screenshot of Copy from Bid Package

As a general rule, when copying across companies, if the job/phase/category does not exist in the target company, then such combination is not copied due to this invalid/incomplete combination. The user must make sure that the target company has the required setup of valid job/phase/category.

In this case, no data is copied for the Buyout tab. For Special Pricing, Inclusions, and Exclusions, the data is copied but the job/phase/category information is left blank.