Billing Maximums - Contract Forecasting
Billing Maximum is a feature available with the Job Billing module and automatically caps the billing amount at the following hierarchical levels as applicable.
As far as the Contract Forecast with PCI Projections screen is concerned, the Adjusted Revenue Forecast column applies the maximum rule and displays the amounts accordingly.
Billing Contract Level
Group Level
Billcode Level
The contract maximums can be set up in the Job Setup screen, which in turn default into the Contract Entry screen when creating a new billing contract.
The following example shows billing maximum at bill code level, where a maximum of $3200.00 is set.
Pgm: JBCONT - Contract Entry; standard Treeview path: Job Billing > Contracts > Enter Contract
Pop-up window launched from [Cost Transactions] button on JB Prepare Billing screen (standard Treeview path: Job Billing > Billing > Prepare Billing)
The following example shows the contract maximum applied when generating an invoice. The contract maximum is set at $1888.00. The program applies the bill code maximum on the lines and then the contract maximum on the entire bill generated by effectively offsetting the amounts using negative billed amounts on the currently billed lines.
Unposted PCIs and Billing Maximums in Forecasting
The Adjusted Revenue Forecast column displays appropriate billing maximums applied and if there are no maximums, then the Revenue Forecast column amounts are populated.
When the ‘Max Billing Amount Includes Unposted PCIs’ box is checked on the Forecasting tab of the Job Costing Control File screen, the Adjusted Revenue Forecast column will include the unposted PCI billing amounts on top of the billing maximums if any.
When unchecked, unposted PCIs will be subject to billing maximums defined and adjustments will be calculated and shown against the bill codes with adjustment categories.
Pgm: JCCTRLFM – Job Cost Control File; standard Treeview path: Job Costing > Setup > Local Tables > Control File – Forecasting tab