AR Control File - Receipt - Tab
Pgm: ARCTRLFM – AR Control File; standard Treeview path: Accounts Receivable > Setup > Local Tables > Control File Options – Receipt tab
Maximum Write-off Percent per Invoice
This field limits the amount of write-off allowed to be taken against an invoice by a percentage of the invoice amount. The system will prevent entry of a write-off amount that is greater than the maximum write-off percentage indicated by this field. Leave this field blank if not applicable.
Maximum Write-off Amount per Invoice
This field limits the amount of write-off allowed to be taken against an invoice by a flat amount. Enter the maximum write-off amount allowed per invoice during the application of cash receipts. The system will prevent you from entering a write-off amount that is greater than the maximum write-off amount indicated by this field. Leave this field blank if not applicable.
Maximum Automatic Write-off Amount
Automatic write-offs are calculated during receipt entry. Although the write-off is applied to the invoices paid by the cash receipt, the criteria for determining whether a write-off will occur is applied against the cash receipt itself.
When a value is entered in this field, the system will assume that you wish to invoke the automatic write-off feature. During the entry of a cash receipt, the system will write-off any outstanding amounts on invoices paid by a check when the check amount less the sum of outstanding amounts on all the invoices paid by that check, is less than or equal to the maximum amount entered within this field.
Leave this field blank if you do not want to use the automatic write-off feature.
Auto Write-off Code
Enter the write-off code that should be applied to the write-off created through the automatic write-off program. Leave this field blank if a value has not been entered in the Max Auto Write-off $ field.
Allow Invoice Overpayment – Checkbox
If this box is checked, the system will allow the entry of an overpayment to be applied directly to the invoice, leaving the invoice in a credit state. Users can update the payment amount and post the receipt, and the invoice’s status will remain open with a negative outstanding amount. If this box is not checked, users will not be allowed to modify the payment amount in the Detail section but will be able to record overpayment as a deposit.
Allow Receipt Posting Prior to Deposit Period – Checkbox
If this box is checked, the system will allow a cash receipt where the deposit date falls in a period prior to the posting period. For example, a cash receipt is entered with a deposit date of Jan 29, 2018 but when the batch is posted it is posted to Feb 5, 2018.
Check Billing Info. While Receipt Posting – Checkbox
If checked, while receipt posting, the system will check billing information. If no billing information is found, a message will be issued, and the posting will be rolled back. In order to successfully post the payment receipt, users have to re-visit the receipt entry batches and create necessary billing information through the [Billing Info] button in the AR Receipt Entry screen.
Update Job Code on Receipt Header for Deposits – Checkbox
If checked, when a deposit is applied to a job invoice, the deposit will be tied to that specific job and the same deposit will not be allowed to select invoices with any other job codes. If unchecked, when a deposit is applied to a job invoice, the deposit will not be tied to that specific job and the same deposit will be allowed to select invoices with any other job codes.
Cash Receipt Customer
If using the Alternate Cash Receipt function, enter the default customer code here; otherwise, leave blank.
Default Payment Type
If using the Alternate Cash Receipt function, then you must enter the default payment type in this field; otherwise, leave this field blank.
Default Cash Receipt Cash Account From
The drop-down list gives a choice of “Customer” or “User Default” and affects the cash account selection in Payment Entry.
The Payment Entry screen will check this value. If the value is “Customer”, the cash account company, department, and account are read from the customer setup. If the value is "User Default" and the user is working in the default company, the company, department, and account are retrieved from AR Default Company setup. However, if on the AR Default Company setup, the values for company, department and account are null, the information will be retrieved from the customer setup. If the value is "User Default" and the company, department and account are filled in but the default company is not the company being worked in, the cash account information will be retrieved from the customer setup.
Front Office Cash Receipt Requires Credit Tax – Checkbox
When checked, the front office Cash Receipts will use Credit Tax (Canadian GST). When unchecked, the Front Office Cash Receipts will not look for credit tax (US Taxes).
AR Tax Credit Code for Front Office Cashier
When the above ‘Front Office Cash Receipt Requires Credit Tax’ box is checked, then this field is enabled and the Credit Tax Code field must be populated with a valid entry.
Lock Box Options
Specify the bank lockbox file options for the importing of bank lockbox detail into the Accounts Receivable module.
This feature is used by companies whose cash receipts are managed by an outside source such as the bank. Cash receipts are not entered manually into the system, rather a receipts file is imported on a regular basis through the Bank Lockbox Import Utility.
This file will include information on all checks deposited to the specified company such as customer, check number, check amount, invoices numbers paid. Once verified, the detail can be converted into CMiC cash receipts.
Path to Bank Lockbox file
Enter the path for the directory in which the Lockbox import file resides.
File Pattern – Bank Lockbox
Enter the ASCII File Mask for the Bank Lockbox import file. The file pattern will be provided to you by your bank.