Maintain Vendors


Screenshot of Maintain Vendors in Log mode

Pgm: BPVENFM – Maintain Vendors; standard Treeview path: Accounts Payable > Setup > Maintain Vendors

Before using a business partner in the Accounts Payable module, they should be set as a vendor for the relevant company. A vendor is an entity that a company purchases products or services from, and therefore receives invoices from and makes payments to.

As mentioned, to store additional data that is solely relevant to a vendor or a customer type of business partner, vendor and customer records are created from and tied to business partner records. Thus, a business partner record is extendable with a vendor or a customer record, or both. Also, the vendor and customer records are created for a specific company using CMiC Enterprise in order to contain information specific to the company. Hence, only one business partner record is ever created, and it is shared by all companies. However, when a vendor or customer record is created, it must be associated with a company so that each company gets its own vendor and customer records. This allows the information on these records to be specific to the companies for which they were created, since a vendor for one company could be a customer to another.

NOTE: The Vendor Code and Vendor Name fields may be hidden in Table mode if the Back fill Business Partners from Vendors or Customers box is checked on the Global tab on the System Options screen (standard Treeview path: System > Setup > System Options – Global tab). The workaround to view this information is to use the Lite Editor to add the following fields to the Table mode: BpvenBpCodeBf (Business Partner) and BPvenBpNameBf (Name). These fields will remain intact even when the Back fill Business Partners from Vendors or Customers box is checked.