PY Labels Printing

Screenshot of PY Labels Printing parameter screen

Pgm: PYLABELS – PY Labels Printing; standard Treeview path: US Payroll > Reports > Employee Reports > Print Employee Mailing Labels

This screen is used to generate employee mailing labels for specific pay runs in companies. Labels can be printed by FEIN or company and include employee names and addresses.

This label sheet can be further filtered by Pay Group and From/To Employee.

Label Name

Select the layout of the label. Unless a custom version has been created, the only choice is “PY Labels for Laser Printer”.

Font Size

Select whether to print the labels in small, medium, or large font.

Employee Status

Select whether to print for active, inactive, or both types of employees.

Style Sheet

Select the label size and label count.

Sort By

Select whether the printed labels are sorted by employee last name or employee number.

Image of sample Mailing Labels

Sample Mailing Labels (PYLABELS)