Crew/Mechanic Time Configuration


Screenshot of Crew/Mechanic Time Configuration screen.

Crew/Mechanic Time Configuration; standard Treeview path: E-Time > E-Timesheet > Setup > Crew Timesheet Configuration

This screen can be used to define how many rows and columns are displayed on the Crew and Mechanic Timesheet Entry screens, whether the Distribution Job field appears on the entry screens, what companies can enter information, and the default job categories and equipment transaction codes that can be used. Additional columns, such as Idle or Repair, can also be defined for the equipment assigned to the employee.

Timesheet Configuration

Displayed Rows

Enter the number of rows displayed in the Crew and Mechanic Timesheet Entry screens.

Crew Timesheet Columns

Enter the number of columns displayed in the Crew Timesheet Entry screen.

Show Distribution Job Field - Checkbox

Check this box to show the Distribution Job field in the Crew and Mechanic Timesheet Entry screens.

Show Phase Qty Field - Checkbox

Check this box to display the phase quantity in the Crew Timesheet Entry screen.

Show Trucker Info - Checkbox

Check this box to show a record of the mileage travelled by truckers in the Crew Time Entry screen.

Trade Code Editable - Checkbox

Check this box to allow editing of employee trade codes in the Crew Time Entry screen.

Show Over Time Hour, Show Double Time Hour - Checkbox

Check these boxes to show overtime and double overtime hours when entering timesheets.

Show Union - Checkbox

Check this box to show the union of the employee entering timesheets.

Utilize Crew Codes - Checkbox

Check this box to define crew time entry by the crew working on it rather than the job being worked. If this box is checked, employees and equipment will default after entering a crew code in the Crew Code field in the Crew Time Entry screen.

Show Other Hours In Mechanic Timesheet - Checkbox

Check this box to indicate whether other hour types should be shown or not on the mechanic timesheet.

Copy Previous Timesheet Hours - Checkbox

Check this box to copy employees and their hours entered in Crew Time to a new timesheet when the 'Copy Previous Record' checkbox is checked in Crew Timesheet Entry. The job, shift, and crew code must be the same as the previous timesheet on the new timesheet to be copied.

If the box is not checked, only the employees will be copied over and not their hours.

Auto Defaults Equipment Location- Checkbox

Check this box to use the default equipment location, as defined in the Enter Equipment screen (standard Treeview path: Equipment Costing > Setup > Enter Equipment).

Allow JC Phase Quantity Posting - Checkbox

Check this box to allow phases from the Job Costing module.

Disable Auto Create Employee Equipment Line - Checkbox

Check this box to not automatically create an equipment line for any employee with entered time in the Crew & Mechanic Time Entry screens.

Copy Equipment Hour - Checkbox

Check this box to copy the hours entered on the last equipment line to the current equipment line.

Copy Union and Trade from Previous Timesheet - Checkbox

Check this box to default the union and trade that appear on the most recently entered timesheet.

Restrict Trade LOV by Job Pay Rate setup for

Use this field to limit the trade codes available during crew timesheet entry. This field can be set to All Jobs, PW Jobs, or No Jobs.

Select All Jobs to limit available Trade codes to all jobs, depending on the setup for that job on the Job Pay Rate screen. In other words, employees will only be able to enter the trade code specified for the pay rate of the job they are working on when filling out their timesheets.

Select PW Jobs to only extend this restriction to Prevailing Wage jobs.

Select No Jobs to allow all employees to enter whatever trade code they wish on their crew timesheets.

Employee Time Category Defaults

Screenshot of Employee Time Category Defaults section of the screen.

Click on the [New] button in this section of the screen to create default job categories.

Equipment Time Defaults

Screenshot of Equipment Time Defaults section of the screen.

Click on the [New] button in this section of the screen to create equipment transaction codes.

Additional Equipment Columns

Screenshot of Additional Equipment Columns section of the screen.

This section of the screen is used to create additional equipment columns, such as Idle or Repair, which are used to define equipment assigned to an employee. Select a column number row to display the selected column's details.

Other Setup Options

A) If copied employees are to be used in crew time, the 'Use Job Company To Pay Employee' box should be checked on the job setup. When this box is checked, crew time automatically creates a timesheet for the employee that has been copied from the job company.

Take the following example: there are three companies with company codes, WI, WH, and WX. The employee with employee code “12345” has a primary company, WI, but has been copied to company WH. The employee now has two codes: “12345” and “12345-WH”. The job entered in crew time then belongs to company WH.

Example 1

In the Job Setup screen, the box is checked to pay from the job company. The employee code “12345” is selected from the LOV. Hours are entered and the timesheet is posted. The employee timesheet is for company WH and they are paid from the WH payroll. Therefore, no inter-company transaction is created.

Example 2

The box is unchecked on the job setup. The employee code “12345” is selected from the LOV. Hours are entered and the timesheet posted. The employee is paid from their primary company (WI) and an intercompany transaction is created.

B) To have the employee rate increase according to the trade associated to equipment, the trade code should be assigned to the equipment class. If the rate is higher than the trade rate assigned to the employee, the trade automatically changes and pay the higher rate with the use of the equipment. If the rate for the trade associated to the equipment is lower than the employee normal rate, the trade code will not change and the employee will be paid the rate associated to his trade. Note that in the case where more than one piece of equipment has been associated to the employee, the trade code for the first piece of equipment is the only one that will be read.

For example – The employee trade 1000 pays $11.00/hr. The first piece of equipment associated to the employee has a trade that pays $10.00/hr and the second piece of equipment assigned to the employee has a trade associated that pays $15.00/hr. The employee trade will not change and the employee will be paid $11.00/hr.

C) When an employee has a piece of equipment assigned on the Rates tab of the Employee Profile, the equipment line will automatically have this piece of equipment as a default in both crew and mechanic time.

D) The 'System Options System Wide Unique Jobs' checkbox in System Options. If you are using unique job codes across all companies, you will have this checkbox checked on the Projects tab in System options and you will only see the job code when entering in the header of crewtime entry. However, if this checkbox is unchecked, then you will be required to enter both the job company code and the job code.