Ball in Court Report

The Ball in Court report (PM3100) shows the responsible contact for Meeting Minutes, RFIs, Submittals, and Issues. This report can be run manually, or it can be scheduled as an overnight process. For the latter case, it will send an e-mail alert to the responsible contact, based on certain date conditions.

Ball in Court Report; Standard Treeview path: CMiC Field > Reports > Communication Reports > Ball in Court

Print For All Projects - Checkbox

When this box is checked, all projects for the selected company (or for all companies if no value is selected in the Company field) with the 'Ball In Court Report' box checked in the Project Maintenance screen will be considered, in addition to the current project.

Running Report Manually

If run manually, a single report is generated containing all Ball in Court information for the current project based on the input parameters. The Preferred Contact Method printing option will not work for this report.

Running Report via Nightly Process

To run the report nightly, check the 'Ball in Court Report' box, shown below, for every project to be included in the report.

Example of Project Level ‘Ball in Court Report’ checkbox on Defaults tab

The report will run for the projects and will contain information for all contacts who are responsible for any of the objects (i.e. RFI, RFQ, Submittal, Issues, and Meeting Minutes) which are not Closed and Due within five days/ Due today/ Overdue. When run via the nightly process, a separate report will be generated for each responsible contact. Each contact will get only those objects for which they are responsible.

NOTE: When running the report via the nightly process, only Enterprise clients can change the time when the report is scheduled to be printed. This process is defined on the System Options screen of the System Data module (standard Treeview path: System Data > Setup > System Options – General tab - [Job Queues] button).

Selection criteria for PM Objects:

  • Issues: On Issue screen, Responsibility and Due Date will be taken if they are not null and the issue is not yet closed.

  • RFIs: On RFIs (not closed) the Date Required will be considered as the due date for the report and the Responsible contact will be based on Answered by field...if this is null then the “To” contact will be used.

  • Submittals: On the Submittal screen “Current Responsibility” field will be used for Responsible Contact. The “Overdue” field will be used to determine the due dates for the report. The submittal status should not be closed.

  • Meeting Minutes: For open meeting minutes the program will look for all non-closed agenda items where the responsibility is not null and will take either the Revised Date or Due Date (if Revised Date is null) to determine due dates on the report.

  • Request for Quotation (PCI): The Due Date on the RFQ is the main determining field, but the record must also have the Subcontractor and Contact fields populated as well. If the Date Received is also populated along with the three fields previously mentioned, the RFQ record will not be shown on the report.