Creating Submittal from Selected Area

Select the area in the model that is under consideration by clicking on it.  It will be highlighted in the display.

Select “Submittal” from the Create Object drop-down list to create a submittal for the selected area.  If a submittal mask has not been defined for the project, enter a submittal ID. Next, enter a suitable description, plan and specs if necessary and click [Save]. 

The submittal is immediately created and added to the BIM Data Table Submittal tab (as well as the Submittal log).  The [Save and Complete] button option will save the submittal and automatically open it in another window to allow the user to continue adding any additional details.

The Submittal# is automatically generated if a mask has been set in the CMiC project.

The Submittal# has a link that allows drill-down to the actual submittal record.

The submittal record has the “Shared” banner and a link to the related BIM Model. The Show BIM Model link allows the user to navigate to the area that is linked to the submittal.

The submittals are also displayed in the Submittals log.