CMiC BIM – R12


Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been incorporated into CMiC Field using the Autodesk BIM integration tool to present and manage 3D models to support decision makers in communicating design, construction and operational changes to their projects. These changes are created in CMiC Field through Requests for Information (RFIs), Potential Change Items (PCIs), and Submittals.

These articles outline the setup requirements and steps to follow before this integrated tool can be used.


The following prerequisites are required prior to using CMiC BIM:

  1. CMiC BIM license

  2. User account with Autodesk (along with the Autodesk project and models to be used) - contact your Account Manager

  3. Installation of FORGE scripts for CMiC BIM 360 and BIM 360 Maintenance screens - contact your Account Manager

  4. Ensure RFI, PCI and Submittal auto-numbering are switched ON for the CMiC project company.